Posted on 03/28/2018 1:42:54 PM PDT by Enlightened1
The Inspector General of the US Justice Department announced Wednesday his plans to launch a thorough investigation into allegations the DOJ and FBI misused sensitive material when obtaining FISA warrants against senior Trump officials.
“The OIG will initiate a review that will examine the Justice Department’s and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) relating to a certain U.S. person,” said a statement obtained by Fox News.
“As part of this examination, the OIG also will review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source,” it concludes. “If circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review,”
The revelation raised alarm bells throughout Democratic circles in Washington Wednesday, re-igniting the controversy surrounding the Clinton-financed ‘Trump Dossier’ and whether it was used to spy on Trump officials throughout the 2016 election.
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What took the A.G. so long?
Sean is drinking the apple-pie flavored moonshine again.
STFB Sally Yates.
Before November 2018? We’ll be lucky if the whitewash is ready before November 2020.
Just more evidence that sessions does not have a prosecutor investigating any of these obama scandals.
And here we thought Sessions was doing nothing :/
“What took the A.G. so long?”
It probably took a year to figure out who to trust at Justice.
Huh? What has the DOJIG been looking into for the past year for which Hannity claims that a report is imminent? Someone please enlighten me.
The IG was appointed by obumber. Do you think he did that for the good of the country, or himself?
Only took 15 months!
There have been investigations into Benghazi, Fast and Furious and others. Still nothing out those.
Makes me think official DC is playing whack a mole.
No, not “great”.
It only means Useless Sessions has finally made the decision to show the middle finger to the oversight committees which recommended a second independent counsel, the only one with real investigation power and not populated by swampers.
Mr Magoo Sessions has just done what the deep state expects him to do: set up a Kabuki theater for suckers to keep the illusion that he is a “silent executioner”, drag on the farce indefinitely and whitewash the DOJ et FBI crimes.
How this useless, despicable worm is still at the head of the DOJ and for what is beyond logic and comprehension.
I guess I’ve been mistaken. I thought the DOJIG has been investigating corruption within the department to include abuse of FISA warrants and related issues. What have they been looking into for over a year now. Parking tickets?
Waste of time since this is an IG investigation and not a special counsel or somebody with ability to prosecute
Is this the probe of the investigation or the investigation of the probe? Or is it the hearing on the investigation of the probe or the investigation of the hearing into the probe? Or the probe into the hearing? That could hurt. Kids, don’t put anything into your ear canal.
“Mr Magoo Sessions has just done what the deep state expects him to do: set up a Kabuki theater for suckers to keep the illusion that he is a silent executioner, drag on the farce indefinitely and whitewash the DOJ et FBI crimes.
How this useless, despicable worm is still at the head of the DOJ and for what is beyond logic and comprehension.”
This ^^^
I cant wait for Sundance to tell us this is the white hat calvary cresting the hill to save us. More stonewalling!
Deep state bone thrown to delay special prosecutor hoping Rats win congress and save their traitorous asses.
“The results of OIG investigations may be used for administrative action by the Department and its bureaus, as well as for criminal and civil action by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).”
Who to trust at justice? Sessions nailed that one.
He's put Rod RosenSwamp in charge.
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