hmmm, I had like about 3 paragraph breaks between each paragraph. don’t know why they didn’t show up.
Probably because of this little dodad..
" ♦ "
If you copy/pasted the text including its paragraph breaks remember that FR's posting 'converter' defaults to a straight HTML interpreter when it 'sees' any HTML coding. (See the note in 'Posting HTML' at the bottom of the posting page: " This conversion is not performed if you have anything resembling an HTML tag in your text. ")
The coding for the diamond bullet pointer is an HTML glyph coding, thus the need to include HTML coded paragraph breaks since without them the HTML interpreter will interpret merely straight text..
FYI that coding is (ampersand)diams; (or (ampersand)#9830;) thus writing "Bullet (ampersand)diams;" with (ampersand) replaced with the shifted 7 gets you
"Bullet ♦"
Don't forget the semicolon.. ;-)
I sometimes miss the > and hit the . instead because I light-tap the shift key - that can mess things up
Preview is your friend😊