If you’re a cop, don’t shoot.
Not worth it. Just do the minimum, retire and collect your pension.
If you do shoot, your brass won’t back you up, you’ll get crucified in the media, be hounded by the cop-hating Left and get indicted by the DA.
Just keep your head low and stay out of trouble.
That’s why so many cops are just secretaries with guns on their hips. A crime is committed, they show up, they take notes, they go away. That’s pretty much it. If you try to do more than that, the Liberals, the media, the union, and the politicians will have your head.
If youre a cop, dont shoot.
Not worth it. Just do the minimum, retire and collect your pension.
If you do shoot, your brass wont back you up, youll get crucified in the media, be hounded by the cop-hating Left and get indicted by the DA.
Just keep your head low and stay out of trouble.
He’s being crucified anyway. There’s probably more to this story. This particular article now says he was behind a column in a stairwell. Other stories said he was hiding outside. Did he receive training for this situation and what did it tell him to do?
The reason all these officers are protecting his home is they know more of the other side of the story.
If you do shoot, your brass wont back you up...
Bull. Leadership will back you. The union will back you. Law and Order copsuckers will back you.
If youre a cop, dont shoot.
Not worth it. Just do the minimum, retire and collect your pension.
If you do shoot, your brass wont back you up, youll get crucified in the media, be hounded by the cop-hating Left and get indicted by the DA.
Just keep your head low and stay out of trouble.
How ‘bout ‘don’t want the responsibilities, don’t sign-up for the job’.
This guy PHONED it in, when it counted. At least if he ‘broke protocol’ he’d still have a job, if not held up as a HERO.
Cant argue that. Still, he chose poorly.
Stay with the parking meter patrol, much safer.