I don’t have any problem with this. If her service was “honorable” but the military standards in place said no homosexuality in the ranks then give her an honorable.
This statement is not to be construed or misinterpreted or twisted or lied about to say I am supporting homosexuality in the military. Thank you, see the mods to validate your ticket.
Can you imagine the legal mayhem we would have today if slaves and slave owners from the pre-civil-war days were still alive?
It’s good that people die at a faster rate than the culture changes, but that is changing.
The NORKs quieted down quite a bit, so it’s now back to regular military business as usual.
They probably figured “Feh, she’s 90, she won’t collect Vet benefits for very long, and we don’t want the PR blowback from saying no.”
I sure miss the 50s.
Some privates that got into trouble in my unit were told to take a General Discharge, then write their Congressman when they get home and it could be changed.
I think I’ll leave lesbian discharges for somebody else. Like maybe the janitors.
This country is toast.
Nobody has a “right” to an honourable discharge if they were breaking the rules in place.
If she’s having a discharge, she should have that looked at.
Stupid. So, can I get my speeding violation ex post facto dismissed because they raised the speed limit a few years later?
The law IN EFFECT at the time is just as valid.
That rug has some age on it.
Apparently, the military is still firmly infiltrated by Leftists. Those that suffer from the homosexual disorder should not serve in the military. The military should not be normalizing disordered behavior.
And what RIGHTS would those be?
The ARMY just marries 'em off these days.
OR some of his policies having not been specifically cancelled are still in effect and or are being promulgated by deep state Obama hangovers...
In 2010/2011 the Obama Administration announced and implemented a policy to grant honorable discharges to any veteran discharged from the military for homosexuality unless there were aggravating factors, such as misconduct.
She is lucky.
In 1955 if she were a MALE chances are good she would have done a LOT of stockade time, especially if caught in the act, NO MATTER WHERE SHE WAS....
I went in in 1956 and they were still handing out Brig time for the ‘do funnys’ and you were BOTH guilty with the possibility of a ‘lighter’ sentence if one were ‘much higher’ in rank/rate - no matter who was the aggressor because the ‘older’ one was supposed to have more sense.
But, far worse than the brig was if a ‘do funny’ approached the ‘wrong person’, a trip to the showers for a ‘kaya’ brush ‘bath’ BEFORE going before the CO for a Captains Mast with notice being taken of his clumsiness and having mastered the art of falling UP ladders.
Of course prior my time, the ‘aggressive’ one may find himself on a moonlight swim with no ‘alarm’ being sounded...
Old story of the kid that went to Alaska as an apprentice on a fishing boat.
He started out as a ‘Junior Baiter’ and worked his way up to ‘Master Baiter’....
at least that was his story and he is sticking to it...
In 1960s, she successfully applied to upgrade her "undesirable" discharge to a "general under honorable conditions."
It pays to read.