Perhaps he is moving us from a safety net to a ‘worky net’! MAGA!
It’s not government’s job to take care of the unlucky, the incapable and the indigent. That’s what CHARITY is for!
Safety net? Lol. Apparently, WaPo, along with many other delusional mouthpieces fail miserably to realize the sheer magnitude of those who are using and abusing said ‘safety net’.......
Time to streamline these programs with verifiable requirements. A ‘safety net’ is there to give temporary aid, not become a frakin’ lifestyle, yo! Idiotic WaPo, as par.
well, if we’re deporting a bunch of recipients, coupled with high employment numbers meaning reduced roles anyway, what’s wrong with cutting social services budgets? It’s about time we got away from generational welfare class mentalities. Of course, the lefties will hate it as much as they hate high employment.
No Pepsi and lobster?
Big step in the right direction - those who need the food get it and those who turn the “grocery subsistence” into cash/drugs/booze are severely inconvenienced. Welfare should be subsistence level instead of providing all the comforts and gadgets.
Government needs to get OUT of the business of helping the indigent.
They can use the existing postal system delivery system for once a month deliveries - anyone messing with it gets tapped for mail fraud.
Promote the general welfare and provide for the common defense.
Not provide for the general welfare and promote the common defense.
Do not feed the animals! It makes them dependent and prevents them from being able to survive in the wild.
“Specifically, the Trump budget proposal would gut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), better known as food stamps, by $17.2 billion in 2019 equivalent to 22 percent of the programs total cost last year and implement a boxed food delivery program, a system that White House budget director Mick Mulvaney compared to Blue Apron.”
It sounds not like it would “gut” 22% of SNAP, but would reduce the EBT card benefit portion of SNAP by an amount that would be used to fund monthly direct food supplies to households in the SNAP program; attempting to insure at least some of the SNAP money goes to what it should.
“The changes call on lawmakers to eliminate the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act”
Why was that expansion done?
It was done, with federal funding support in the early years, to get non-Liberal states to make their Medicaid programs as expensive as the most Liberal states. Of course the states whose costs had been much less in prior years will be picking up more of the additional cost themselves in the out years. And guess what will happen then? The will do what Obama hoped they would do - join with the Liberal states in demanding more funding of Medicaid, hoping in the very long run to make it completely a federal program, like Medicare.
Tell me again, Bill Kristol, how this guy is not really a Conservative.
I bet there is not one cut at all,just a reduction in the rate of INCREASE.
Meaney Trump, giving people actual food to eat instead of welfare credit cards that they can sell or use for booze, cigarettes and other unhealthy items.