I thought the very same as you.
I can only believe they are, like a person already too deep in the quicksand, unable to act rationally or think clearly.
They are now in reactive mode and are going to incur further damage upon themselves and maybe even sink the democrat party permanently with the American public.
Comey is the most pathetic of all, taking to twitter to try to fling poo in any direction, hoping some of it will stick somewhere else at least enough to distract from him. He is a desperate man, too stupid to realize that all the flinging is just calling more and more attention to his guilt.
I also suspect that his tweets are covert instructions to his erstwhile allies to protect him and not to talk. Too late. They are singing. No honor among the evil. It’s time now for everyone to try to make the best deal possible.
These are capital crimes and they all risk the death penalty. That’s gotta get their attention and increase the desperation.
Desperate men will take desperate measures. We need to be on guard. Watch out for lots of Arkancides in the near future. This time around, some of them might really be suicides. I take no pleasure in this, but I do take great pleasure in having light shined on the festering evil and bringing it out into the open and bringing the guilty to justice.