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To: Oldeconomybuyer
this is what they used to call a screaming meme
2 posted on
11/30/2017 1:16:24 PM PST by
(q e)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Why do promote crap like this?
3 posted on
11/30/2017 1:16:55 PM PST by
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Hey moron, the establishment likes the norms. The rest of us think they all suck and want new norms because yours just aren’t normal.
4 posted on
11/30/2017 1:17:31 PM PST by
To: Oldeconomybuyer
“President Trump has created exactly such a crisis.”
You’ve been working to create it for decades, you despicable POS.
5 posted on
11/30/2017 1:18:09 PM PST by
(Any attempt to move a government to the left is a crime against humanity.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Great nations and proud democracies fall when their systems become so corrupted that the decay is not even noticed or the rot is written off as a normal part of politics.
Projection on steroids! This is exactly why President Trump was elected. Drain the Swamp!
6 posted on
11/30/2017 1:19:21 PM PST by
(President Trump and his supporters are the Resistance. His opponents are the Reactionaries.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
and his own party is broadly complicit in enabling his attacks on truth, decency and democratic values. That's the heaviest load of BS I've read in a loooong time.
7 posted on
11/30/2017 1:20:04 PM PST by
(You may disagree with what I have to say, but I shall defend to your death my right to say it.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Two aphorisms....
"Elections have consequences."
"The shoe is on the other foot."
8 posted on
11/30/2017 1:20:53 PM PST by
(As Mason said to Dixon, you have to draw the line somewhere.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
E. J. Dionne is an Establishment laughingstock...
9 posted on
11/30/2017 1:21:35 PM PST by
("If we were in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, the Left would protest for zombies' rights.")
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Wow! Talk about a parallel universe! I guess US history started with the Obama years with this guy!
10 posted on
11/30/2017 1:23:14 PM PST by
To: Oldeconomybuyer
“E.J. Dionne Jr.”
I had NO idea this guy was white! The race-baiting articles I’ve read from him lead me to assume that he was a man of color.
Man, that’s some big load of White Guilt he’s carrying! Couple that with his, ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ and he’s going to need the hospital room next to Conyers to recover from his breakdown! *SNORT*
11 posted on
11/30/2017 1:23:49 PM PST by
Diana in Wisconsin
(I don't have 'Hobbies.' I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set!)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Great nations and proud democracies fall when their systems become so corrupted that the decay is not even noticed or the rot is written off as a normal part of politics. He got it right! But the funny this is, he hit the nail on the head but he doesn't even know it.
12 posted on
11/30/2017 1:24:23 PM PST by
(Kurt Schlicter: "They wonder why they got Trump. They are why they got Trump")
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Great nations and proud democracies fall when their systems become so corrupted that the decay is not even noticed or the rot is written off as a normal part of politics.
or when those charged to sound the alarms instead turn their heads and joining the parade of foools thus confirming for all to see who they really are.
13 posted on
11/30/2017 1:24:50 PM PST by
(Semper Fi - Monthly Donors Rock!!!)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Great nations and proud democracies fall when their systems become so corrupted that the decay is not even noticed or the rot is written off as a normal part of politics.
or when those charged to sound the alarms instead turn their heads and joining the parade of foools thus confirming for all to see who they really are.
14 posted on
11/30/2017 1:24:50 PM PST by
(Semper Fi - Monthly Donors Rock!!!)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Were a long way from a truce.
You said it E.J.
We have just begun to fight!
15 posted on
11/30/2017 1:25:17 PM PST by
( " We would not die in that man's company, that fears his fellowship to die with us...." Henry V.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Hey, E.J., elections have consequences. 30 out of 50 states voted for Trump’s agenda. Deal with it.
16 posted on
11/30/2017 1:25:24 PM PST by
(Democrats piss me off!)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
17 posted on
11/30/2017 1:25:51 PM PST by
(Diversion and evasion are tools of deceit)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
The knee-jerk overreaction and misinterpretation/misrepresentation of his tweets enables him to keep us laughing at liberals and the media.
If they would stop taking his bait we wouldn’t have as much fun. But I doubt that’s the enabling this article is referring to.
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Great nations and proud democracies fall when their systems become so corrupted that the decay is not even noticed or the rot is written off as a normal part of politics.E. J. Dionne Jr.'s lack of self-awareness is both laughable and pathetic.
He evidently slept through 8 years of Obamunist corruption, and demagoguery, and incitement of racial hatred, and criminality, and rejecction of all norms of decency and truthfulness, with nary a complaint.
Of course that's because E. J. Dionne Jr. heartily endorses Obama's brand of corruption, and demagoguery, and incitement of racial hatred, and criminality, and rejecction of all norms of decency and truthfulness.
19 posted on
11/30/2017 1:29:35 PM PST by
("Happy Pony is on - and I'm NOT missing Happy Pony")
To: Oldeconomybuyer
We must all challenge Dionne’s enablers!
22 posted on
11/30/2017 1:35:09 PM PST by
(Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
I rarely listen to Rush anymore but was able to get his show in my truck yesterday. He did a bit about Cnn and how they act.
Just like children when they do not get their way and have a tizzy tantrum.
This is EJ and the rest of them act.
23 posted on
11/30/2017 1:36:39 PM PST by
((I miss my poochie... Tasha 2000~3/14/11~ Best Election Ever! It is offical, we are at war!)
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