Except national Democrats are pouring money into the race to help Doug Jones. Clearly they don't buy the 'Roy Moore winning this is good for the Democratic Party in 2018' line, though I'm sure that will be the December 13th spin if Moore wins.
I always used to like Larry Elder.
No more.
Another ‘fair weather conservative’, I guess..
Larry has become so Elder that dementia has set in.
Roy Moore is about overthrowing the Oligarchy of Privilege in Washington.
Its about throwing out the scum that felt entitled to use tax dollars to pay off those subjected to their perversion. Its about overthrowing those who made multi-millionaires of themselves by skimming off the cancerous growth of Federal spending.
Go drool in your cabbage, Larry.
Well that’s it, I’m done with Larry Elder. I thought he had more smarts than that. I guess not.
None of the accusations have enough substance (being over thirty years since they occurred, if they did occur) to walk into an Alabama court room and establish any legal balance. You’d be laughed out of the court for most of the marginal substance suggested.
Being from the state, and voting absentee shortly...I would agree that Moore is a bit weird, and given the preference of a hundred other Republicans in the state...he would be last on my list. But we were left with Moore and Strange for the primary.
Strange was one of the more corrupted characters that the Alabama GOP had ever produced. So we were basically left with Moore.
Jones can say some things over the accusations, but when you line up your typical top ten priorities as a voter...Jones, the Democrat, can’t interest you. If they had run a blue-dog type Democrat who was more of a DINO, he might have had a better chance against Moore.
They want to “Herman Cain” Judge Moore, but he’s not having it, at least not without a public fight so that both sides get dirty for a change.
GTH Elder!
how DARE you try to sabotage a very promising and intelligent candidate just because you want a liberal instead (or are you undermining Judge Moore based on totally unproven but MOST convenient allegations....allegations that do NOT seem at all credible in his case?)
either way it is very unfair of you to write this krap, and especially now when it is too late for the R’s to run a replacement candidate anyway
you’re working for the leftist D and I, for one, resent it
I cannot agree with Elder.
At this point there are too many questions about the credibility of the women making the allegations.
Elect Moore.
If Democrats feel they have a viable case against Moore then let them take Moore to court and prove it after Moore is elected.
No, Larry.
I’d rather dump everyone else in the GOP except for Moore.
So sick of gutless wonder turds, such as yourself.
Larry usually is better than this. The allegations have fallen apart and only 2 were troublesome to begin with.
Old-geezer-think, eh? The younger men on your block should tell their wives to stay away from you.
Was referring to Larry, there, by the way.
Larry Elder is generally better than this. He needs someone to touch base with him, that knows all the problems with these women who came forward.
I say dump Moore alright. Dump him right into the U. S. Senate for the next 20-30 years.
Anyone know what happened to him?
The merry band of “conservative” commentators at Fox has dumped Moore as soon as this witch hunt started, Hannity included despite his hypocritical “no rush to judgement”, Larry Elder is no exception. Totally disgusting.
According to whom, Larry?
You can try to reframe the issue any way you like, but the simple fact of the matter is rank-and-file Republicans across the nation JUST DON'T BUY IT.
Who is Larry Elder taking money under the table from now?
You are right. Not often I disagree with Larry but this is out of bounds. Until Congress releases all the records with names of those over 200 legislators who are involved in payouts over harrassment, Larry shouldn’t be calling for Moore to bow out.
Of course he is? That's a laugh, Larry Eldork.
The Kennedys/Dodd/Clinton Rule renders the accusation moot.