I’m sure we do, but the threat is nuclear.
The only proper response is nuclear................
If we would have turned the middle east into a parking lot after 9/11, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in now. The world would have hated us for it, but they would have hated us from afar. Trump needs to show the world that you don’t jack with the United States.
No, conventional weapons will suffice. Launching nukes would be a grave mistake, unless nuked first. The radioactivity would destroy the whole Korean and possibly the neighboring countries as well. And we do not want a “skirmish” with China.
The first strike should be an EMP to take out the electronics to run the military's "eyes." That way a response into South Korea would have to be done blind. Not easy. North Korea's arsenal to retaliate by hitting South Korea is their new ICBM missiles, 240mm rocket launchers and long range artillery. Forget about a missile response. Their guidance systems would be fried by EMP.
If their artillery is guided by electronic fire control, all their artillary would be toast too. Their artillery is on mobile platforms which can be rendered useless by EMP if their motors use electronic engine control units (ECU). They would be toast. And their artillary with sufficient range to hit Seoul are ONLY the M-1978s (modified to the M-1980). These have a slow firing rate at one round every five minutes. I am sure it takes electronic recalibration to recover the M-1980 from the previous shot. They would be rendered totally useless. Just in case North Korea had some quick fix to restore the electronics, just move the population beyond range while S. Korean and American forces are busy taking out everything above ground and under.
While Kim Jung-un goes down into his spider hole in some deep bunker, S. Korea would launch their F-15K Slam Eagle fighters carrying GBU-28 bunker-busting bombs with a payload of 5,000 lbs with pinpoint accuracy. He would be toast. I am sure House Chief of Staff, General John F. Kelly, has inspired President Trump's fire and fury!