Realize two things
1. This happened. It is how my bride’s family came here.
2. It is been removed from history. No one can talk about it academically. It is a career vaporizing move to talk about it.
That’s because Britain is not on Satan’s radar screen. America is.
The Lying Left is Satan’s tool to try to destroy America, but God is eternally greater than Satan and will help America and bring her to an expected blessed destination before Jesus returns for his saints.
My paternal ancestor and source of my surname came to America in 1616, but was not a slave.
My English ancestor (George Soule) came over to Plymouth (yes his name is on the rock)as an indentured servant ... essentially a slave ... so where are my reparations
Only blacks.
i never heard of a death rate equivalent to 2 year lifespan for slaves in colonies.
I am skeptical.
Slaves were expensive it wasn’t in the owners interest to beat or work them to death
i learned about indentured servitude in the 70s... as a way for the lower classes to earn their way to the new world...
In Maryland, 4 out of 5 of the colonists during the 17th Century were indentured servants. Most of those who finished their indenture would return home. To encourage them to stay, grants of food, tools, and clothing were offered.
Britain shipped plenty of whites to Australia as well... But Britain ‘royals’ just cannot self support without enslaving somebody... Now they have turned over their duty to imports that now will rule over them... My ancestors (Scots) were part of the American Revolution back as far as I can trace 1750...
And apparently there were some Germans in that mix as well... but they came of their own free will.
More stormfront type thinking here. A person entering a contract to work, with release at the end, in exchange for passage isn’t slavery.
The Irish weren’t slaves.
Sure sounds like fake news to me. I am reading the book City of Dreams which is about immigration to NYC from the time of the Dutch until nearly the current period.
There is a significant discussion about indentured servants who came across from Ireland, England, Scotland, Germany, etc. In fact the author identifies specific individuals of whom there is a record.
Indentured servants were expensive, and the sponsor ran the significant risk of having the servant break his/her contract and skip town. That was quite common, at least in the northeast.
Many of these indentured servants fulfilled their contracts, were provided with decent living quarters and clothes, and then when their contracted time was up moved on to become quite successful.
Also, the comment that slaves lived an average of 2 years seems hard to believe. Slaves were not a cheap investment, and I think that their owners had motivation to protect their investment.
Jim Goad has written a great deal about the history of white slavery in America (check out his book “The Redneck Manifesto”), all of which fell on deaf ears in the world of journalism because these facts would rob Blacks of their claim to unique victimhood.
Also Scots who fought for Charles II against Cromwell at the Battles of Dunbar (1650) and Worcester (1651). Prisoners shipped to New England, Virginia, Caribbean islands as indentured servants
I once knew a man, a physician, whose family was proud of being descended from one of George Washington’s indentured servants who was a poor young Scot. The ancestor worked out his 7 years, became free, and went out into the world where he was unable to make a living. Because he had been well treated by George, he went back to indentured servitude under George, worked off another 7 years and,in his second opportunity as a free man, was able to get on his feet and marry and live to have many descendants. It is also the case than many black slaves in the South, when tobacco was the dominant crop,took advantage of manumission laws and became free. After 1804, with the rise of King Cotton, all the manumission laws were repealed and slavery became more vicious although there were free blacks still and even a few who themselves owned slaves. Francis Scott Key, who has been recently so attacked as a racist, freed the greater percentage of his slaves and enabled one of the freed slaves to serve him as the paid manager of his Frederick County farm.
If you look up historical records, it shows as “Terms of Indenturement”. Plymouth colony descendant here...
Where do you think the term plantation came from? Who do you think serfs were?
Oliver Cromwell sent the Irish to be slaves in Virginia and the Caribbean. In the Caribbean the Irish and African slaves were mated because the offspring were considered the most beautiful in the world- - and they brought big dollars.