This guy hasn't been relevant in almost 20 years. Maybe the WP can get Walter Mondale to publish an op-ed supporting AG Sessions, too? LOL.
Starr presided over the downfall, scandal and disgrace of the nation’s larget Baptist University, and yet he pontificates on how others should do their tweets.
Who is looking silly here...
Starr is wrong, the AG is the President’s appointee and serves at his pleasure. That said, I can’t figure out what Trump thinks he’s doing with Sessions. It’s bizarre.
Starr sucks.
the WaComPost is now relying on Ken Starr??? LMAO
How’s he going to backtrack on this after Session’s indictments come down?
Dear Ken Starr,
1. It is because of your obsession with revealing the sexcapades that have forever soiled The Oval Office, that you have legally substantiated that “oral sex” is “not sex”.
2. As of this morning, “Twitter” is losing membership. Think of the archival insanity of retrieving any or all of these ‘tweets’ under ‘Presidential communications’, if a commercial communications company goes belly up?!?!?
Ken Starr - you had your chance to put the Clintons away and you didn’t - so shut up and go home !
Seems like this letter should have written a few times during the last administration.
These people should get lost.
It’s a new kind of leader in charge.
He’s telling us what he thinks. Sessions has made the president’s life difficult, so why not let him know it in public.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Hah
My, that headline sure was polite for a change.
I don’t remember Ken Starr’s outrage when Loretta Lynch abused her power reminiscent of a police state.
Trump once more is playing 4D chess with the idiot press and Democrats. He now has them rallying around backing Sessions. If Sessions finally goes after the corrupt DNC and the Clintons, they will be completely paralyzed doing back flips to tell Trump he should get rid of Sessions.
Starr’s mission was to appear to be going after The Rapist. He accomplished this by exposing lots of filth. But he was in the bag for the Uniparty and the BushClinton Crime Family, and was rewarded.