Why, if we don’t sell our freedoms and souls to the Soros Billionaires, Cabal, we will ALL BE DEAD eight years ago!!!
It’s more like the battle for LBGTQ “rights”.
Same actors, different script.
Democrats select VP’s for insurance against something happening to their president...(Gore, Biden, Kaine)
Behold the hero ManBearPig (carbon credits be upon him), he’s suffered so much. Thank Gaia his oppressors released him after 25 years in prison.
He should know: his father fought integration and for Jim Crowe well into the 1960s.
Gore is another example of proof positive that Liberalism is a mental disease!!
Did not know those issues where about re-distribution of wealth to the ruling elite? Who knew!
Is that right, Big Al? Jussst like slavery & apartheid? Seems to me that’s an argument designed to get Rino’s like McCain & Graham to wet their pants and vote with your lunatics. Peddle that crap elsewhere.
Whores don’t care who they screw...
I “claim” that ALGORE is what my dog left on my neighbor’s lawn this morning.
I “claim” that ALGORE is what my dog left on my neighbor’s lawn this morning.
Stephen Hawking said the other day that if we don’t listen to ManBearPig and give him lots of tax dollars, Earth will reach a `tipping point’ and become like Venus.
You know these people are all nuttier than Payday candy bars don’t you?
Black people must get awfully tired of hearing every little political movement likened to their historical struggle. I know I’d get offended, and I’m sure many of them do.
(I know for a fact that many have found the ‘gay rights’ comparison offensive.)
“Gore claims climate battle just like fight against slavery, apartheid”
Except that slavery and apartheid were real things.
“Gore claims climate battle just like fight against slavery, apartheid”
The globalist elites are trying to enslave us using this climate change nonsense as cover. Is that what he means?
This is what a culture looks like when it has been indoctrinated to regurgitate belief instead of being taught to question and to seek the truth via logic and reason.
OK!! Everybody pay attention!
Lesson for today:
1. The sun is 1,300,000 times as big as the earth.
2. The sun is a giant nuclear furnace that controls the climates of all its planets.
3. The earth is one of the suns planets.
4. The earth is a speck in comparison to the size of the sun.
5. Inhabitants of the earth are less than specks.
Study Question: How do less-than-specks in congress plan to control the sun?
Wasn’t Al Gore’s daddy on the wrong side if the 64 Civil Rights Act?
Well, he is kind of right! I mean the fight to enslave us all for the benefit of only a few is exactly what people were fighting against - when trying to end slavery and apartheid!
Only he, just like his stupid father, is on the wrong side!! He is the one trying to instill forced slavery upon the American people and the American economy!