Good that he is saying what needs to be said. That’s Florida. Works differently in other states. Here, in California, we have a battle with legislators and courts that keep us disarmed. Used to have open carry, taken away a few years ago. Extended that to long guns. Few if any concealed permits allowed. And the courts come down on those who protect their own families, with a few exceptions. The battle isn’t only against armed aggressors attacking us, it’s against leftist liberals running the states.
Someone needs to compile a list of names, of such people in California (the legislature, the courts, etc) that do such things, so that when CWII breaks out, those people can be found and dealt with as enemy combatants.
I’d say when CWII breaks out, set up bounties on them. War is hell. Send them to it.
Jefferson said “you won’t need the 2nd amendment until they tru to take it away from you”
Sorry Califorina missed the signal. Of course if 100,000 armed citizens showed up and demanded.....