Someone needs to compile a list of names, of such people in California (the legislature, the courts, etc) that do such things, so that when CWII breaks out, those people can be found and dealt with as enemy combatants.
I’d say when CWII breaks out, set up bounties on them. War is hell. Send them to it.
The list is too long to compile. Start with Gov Jerry Brown, who spearheaded the latest anti-gun legislation that went into place, making most guns with two or more accessories into assault weapons that are now illegal and must be registered. Then there are the usual liberals, like Dianne Feinstein etc., who was a known gun carrier for herself (one of only a little more than half dozen permits issued in SF County) but anti-gun for everyone else. When CWII breaks out, all outspoken liberals will be targets.
Someone needs to compile a list of names, of such people in California (the legislature, the courts, etc) that do such things, so that when CWII breaks out, those people can be found and dealt with as enemy combatants.
Id say when CWII breaks out, set up bounties on them. War is hell. Send them to it.
My thoughts exactly. What we need is a nationwide list of elected politicians, unelected judges, and other prominent people who are ON RECORD as opponents of our Constitutional rights. Because when CWII begins, these scumbags should be the very first enemy combatants to get what they so rightly deserve.