Pure, unadulterated schadenfreude.
The cherry on top would be prosecution by DOJ.
>>The cherry on top would be prosecution by DOJ.<<
Seeing her at a Rescue Mission waiting in line for food would do it for me.
But yeah prosecution would be nice (but improbable).
If she thinks Trump has taken her down (no, she fragged herself), then Trump has already won. Her mind is so messed up sith trump on what passes for the brain, it’s pathetic. And we have the evidence showing it is actually pathetic.
Smash someone in the head and scream you are the victim. This is liberalism today. Be a drunk little slut bunny and cry rape later because you regret your hookups the next day. Such an independent strong woman who plays with the big boys, but when the responsibility for your own life comes your way, be the innocent victim and blame everyone and everything else. And so many in society belive this crap. It is really, really old and played out.