Anyway, Zakaria made some very good points here, and it's nice to see someone from the left making them. But will CNN heed its own reporter's message? Not likely.
Broken clock alert!
Ya think?
Liberals only have tolerance for Communists, Criminals, Perverts, and Nutballs.
People who work for living, and want to keep what they earn, and who want their children to grow up safe, secure, unmolested, and with a decent future - there is no tolerance for them. They are simply sheep to be sheared, or, increasingly, mutton for the pot.
Liberals are the scum of the earth. Trump’s son probably saw that photo of his father beheaded. Can you imagine the uproar if someone did that to Obama? This enrages me!
Hope he has bodyguards. I’m sure they aren’t happy to hear that and their tolerance can cause bleeding (or worse).
Liberals think?
They’ve been throwing little bones like this a lot lately. These tiny confessions get whole stories written about them (I think Dana Bash said something similar recently that got attention), since the MSM is still churning out propaganda non-stop.
The latest example is the misleading, deceptive interpretation being put on the murders committed in Portland last week by the media.
Freed Zakaria? Not yet.
“Tolerance” was a made-up Marxist “virtue” so that the Left could force little children to tolerate evil. so they could destroy virtue formation in little children and make them irrational—removed from Truth (God) and Natural Laws (Constitution).
It is EVIL to tolerate evil (sin) which the Left is actually normalizing in little 4 year olds now with skools and TV/movies. They are flipping Good and Evil to make pedophilia (sex with anything) “Good” like in the pagan Babylonian days to destroy virtue formation which collapses civilizations. Like with the Marxists, they destroy the Natural family and create emotionally destroyed children, so they are totally removed from natural instincts and Natural Laws (Common Sense) which is the Constitution.
This was planned over 100 years ago by the “God is Dead” group-—to control Words/Language so they could destroy Western Civilization (erase Christian Worldview of Good and Evil in little children) to make them into group (non) thinkers. Make them into tribal minds, incapable of abstract critical thinking, exactly like the natives the Jesuits found in other countries in the 3rd world nations.
Just like “discrimination” IS a virtue (common sense), you should shun evil people. Tolerance of evil is really evil. Righteous anger is good since evil people need to face consequences, otherwise evil will prevail.
Our little five year olds are taught that evil is good and you should “love” evil if they embed TV and movies and go to public or islamic skools.
Children without virtue habituated in the formative years will be slaves (immoral) for life. Vice creates slaves only (outer controls) and people completely lacking virtue can never form a civil society which takes excellence, wisdom, courage, sacrifice and temperance).
Today’s children need instant gratification (the opposite of Christianity). They will be slaves of the flesh for life. Virtue has to be habituated (practiced in early childhood).
Western Civ (the US Constitution) was only created by virtuous people who all were raised with the Bible and the Christian worldview only. The US Constitution is incompatible with any other worldview: Marxism, islam, socialism, progressivism, atheism all erase individualism and free will and Truth, which are only Christian virtues. Every person has dignity and worth in the US Constitution which is only embedded with the Christian Theology/worldview, not with any other worldview.
1st and foremost, they are NOT Liberals. They are Socialists/Communists/Totalitarian tyrants. They have *NOTHING* to do w/ liberty.
Shame how much we’ve lost the war on words, even here.
Otherwise, yes, broken clock. Still should be commended for the clarity of vision; if only briefly.