I don’t understand how anyone can sit on a couch with her legs folded under like that. I can’t imagine how it would be comfortable. What is she, some kind of contortionist?
If you are young and slim and in shape it can be done. Vets are dying from lack of care in those horrible health care centers and the LIBS scream about a woman sitting on a couch. What the h311? (I have been saying that a lot lately, but EVERYTHING the LIBs say and do is incredibly insane.)
My knees haven’t bent like that since I was in my mid-20s and I was in good shape. Inherited arthritis.
I can sit like that. ..and I’m 65 and female
My wife sits on the ground in our garden like that and on the couch in the living room. She's all of 105 lbs. and built like a pretzel.
My wife sits on the ground in our garden like that and on the couch in the living room. She's all of 105 lbs. and built like a pretzel.
I suffer from the same syndrome. I sit on my legs on a chair. I do it automatically anywhere especially when sitting at a table. I think I started doing that as a child to add height when sitting at the table. I find it always helps me sit up straight, thus no slouching.
The sofa Kellyanne is on is comfortable and may be too deep for her legs and thus may be difficult for her to keep a good posture. Sometimes when the seat is too soft, legs tend to give the support I need.
Kellyanne is sitting on the soles of her shoes. Only the top part of her shoes are on the sofa. She's not damaging anything except for her own clothes. I know this from experience sitting on a sofa like that. It is also a position to help concentrate, be alert. Notice how straight her back is?
If Kellyanne had taken off her shoes and sat on her legs, that would be too suggestive.
Probably more information than you asked for. I'm a leg sitter and proud of it!!
Maybe she takes yoga classes...??