Posted on 02/24/2017 6:08:15 AM PST by Enlightened1
Donald Trumps daughter, Ivanka Trump, is pushing her father and the new White House administration to take legislative action on the issue of human trafficking, according to Axios. On Thursday afternoon, Donald Trump held a listening session on the issue, to greater understand the problem of women and girls who are trafficked into America, and then sexually exploited for profit.
However, the issue was fast-tracked onto the agenda by Ivanka Trump, alongside Dina Powell, the White House senior counselor for economic initiatives. According to a source close to Axios, Ivanka recommended the meeting to the president and he immediately agreed, given what a horrible issue it is in the U.S. and internationally.
The meeting, which took place at 14:30 in the Roosevelt room, was attended by both Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, as well as longtime advocates on the issue, such as Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Rob Portman (R-OH), and Bob Corker (R-TN.)
The issue of human trafficking is a priority of Ivanka Trump, who has pledged to advise her father on womens issues. One of the charities attending the meeting, Tech Innovation to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation, was co-founded by her husband Jared Kushner.
Last week, Ivanka tweeted a photo with her father and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, claiming that they had a great discussion about women having a seat at the table.
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This is bad news for Anthony Weiner, Huma and Hillary.
Srev there seriously no laws against this already?
Ivanka is beautiful, intelligent and a class act. We as a nation are fortunate to have her serving the greatest President in many moons.
And ‘feminists’ attack her. Our ‘feminists’ are only about male-bashing; NOW is a poster child for Hate Groups.
“Ivanka is beautiful, intelligent and a class act. We as a nation are fortunate to have her serving the greatest President in many moons.”
That’s certainly true, but she’s far too “visible” and she’s not elected or appointed to anything. Just the other day she came out AGAINST shutting down the Paris Climate Change Conference action items.
The Laura Silsby episode was a beaut.
This is the least harmful of Ivanka’s very, very, unfortunate meddling in her father’s administration: not a bad thing to be doing, but a bad priority for Trump and Pence in their fifth week in office.
She’s slowing down the tax cuts by trying to bundle her massive new entitlement for childcare—a giveaway for parents earning up to $500K!—into the plan. No wonder Congress is looking to tack a massive new BAT tax on there too, to negate the income tax cuts and pay for Ivanka’s big entitlement. Ivanka is also already getting in the way on climate change — another one of her idiotic liberal priorities — and she is looking at expanding SBA programs when the whole department should be eliminated, putting together a special identity politics panel with Canada, and who knows where else interjecting Manhattan socialite leftism into the new administration.
She’s pushing a leftist agenda all over her father’s administration.
Ivanka is beautiful, and liberal to her core. We are not fortunate to have her serving the President as a personal lobbyist.
Yeh I’m not wild about the idea of Ivanka and her husband wielding a lot of power in the Whitehouse. Especially this report of them convincing Trump to take critical language regarding the climate accord out of his EO.
This has got to stop:
Can someone explain to me how the President and White House administration can legitimately take legislative action on anything at all?
Who voted for her and her fellow LGBTQ agenda pushing poodle husband?
Oh, that’s right. Nobody.
Sounds like this will tie in pretty closely with pizzagate/pedogate. It ain't over yet.
It turns my stomach.
So far we don’t know that she and her lifelong-Manhattan Democrat husband Jared have done to slow down the full enforcement of our immigration laws, but we do know that Jared has been instrumental in Priebus being the CoS and bringing in all his GOPe operatives.
How upset was our side when FL Hillary Clinton looked just at healthcare? That Cokie Roberts is thrilled to see Ivanka there reinforces what we already know about Ivanka’s leftist agenda.
Turns my stomach.
Forget about the profit motive. Just go after anyone who would sexually abuse/exploit girls, women, boys or men.
Hey, isn’t sex abuse one of the five pillars of Islam?
I wouldn’t hold my breath re: Jared’s charity if I were you.
His beef with Christie is that Christie enforced the law against Jared’s influence-peddling father and sent the father to prison: Jared’s reported claim is that that was unfair to do to the perpetrators’ children, such as himself.
Whatever happened to the children (illegals) Obama's DHS 'lost'... Are they working Chicago's whore houses?
When missing American children are 'found' they're returned to their parents ... it should be the same with minor illegals. They should be put on a plane and returned to their parents the same day.
Ivanka & hubby need to read a few books about liberty vs State. You can do it, there is no easy path to knowledge.
Passing a law does not fix a problem, it creates a distortion & hidden market.
Passing a law is NOT compassion.
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