To: davikkm
It’s “I couldn’t care less”, Steve.
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
I could care less and I couldn’t care less have become synonymous in the modern day lexicon.
8 posted on
02/15/2017 1:34:38 PM PST by
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
Maybe his care for them is infinitely minimal, and thus asymptotic to zero...
9 posted on
02/15/2017 1:36:13 PM PST by
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
You got the message. Nothing else matters.
26 posted on
02/15/2017 1:53:16 PM PST by
(Diversion and evasion are tools of deceit)
To: ButThreeLeftsDo; nickcarraway; CivilWarBrewing; randita; Buckeye McFrog; forgotten man; gaijin; ...
36 posted on
02/15/2017 1:57:30 PM PST by
Ciaphas Cain
(The choice to be stupid is not a conviction I am obligated to respect.)
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
Well, then, care less. Life is too short to care even a little about your relationship with the media. Could Bugs Bunny care less about his relationship with Elmer Fudd?
69 posted on
02/15/2017 3:28:09 PM PST by
(“If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.)
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
It should be “couldn’t”, but the other has become the established phrase. We know what is meant by it even if it seems contradictory.
76 posted on
02/15/2017 3:50:58 PM PST by
(Time to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US!)
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
79 posted on
02/15/2017 3:57:18 PM PST by
Uncle Miltie
(The Washington Post is Jeff Bezos' Fake News unregulated SuperPAC.)
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
80 posted on
02/15/2017 4:02:40 PM PST by
Uncle Miltie
(The Washington Post is Jeff Bezos' Fake News unregulated SuperPAC.)
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
It’s “I couldn’t care less”, Steve. Anal Retentive Spelling Nazi Alert!
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
It’s a pet peeve of mine, too. That, and “it’s a mute point”.
84 posted on
02/15/2017 4:14:53 PM PST by
(diagonally parked in a parallel universe)
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
Its I couldnt care less, Steve.
Eddie wrote it, perhaps you should direct your comment to him........sheesh!
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
111 posted on
02/15/2017 5:49:29 PM PST by
(“Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds." A. Einstein)
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
Such a simple saying that so many people screw up. Obviously, the moron cares.
126 posted on
02/15/2017 8:23:01 PM PST by
(PRESIDENT TRUMP trumps hate and racism! Put some ice on it Hitlery ;-)
To: ButThreeLeftsDo
Sadly a great many people don’t get that.
You are correct.
And Bannon is right. The media will NEVER approve of Trump. Unless he embraces every liberal, America destroying policy the left has by becoming a flaming liberal.
I learned back in my teen years that trying to make people like me would never work because if they didn’t like me already, they never would no matter what I did to try to make them. And also that they wouldn’t respect me for being so weak as changing to try to appease them.
And besides, why should I waste time and energy over people who were never going to like me anyways? I wasn’t going waste my time trying to make people like me who never would anyway.
I wasn’t going to let them have or give them that kind of control over my life.
FWIW, I wrote Trump a couple letters last week and mailed them out telling him I appreciated hismwork and giving himmy supoort and opinion on healthcare and immigration.
128 posted on
02/15/2017 10:50:26 PM PST by
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