“This isnt a good thing for Trump”
Trump fired him.
He wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t a good thing.
It was good that he took action. It isn’t good FOR him because of the hoo-hoo media is making it out to be.
He knew about this early on...it is not new news. This is a sign of power plays going on at the WH. I am worried about which side is winning.
Hint...GOPE cabal that includes ryan and preibus
It is one thing to support your guy, even laudable to support the office of the President of the United States, but it is quite another thing to be absurd about it.
If in fact it was such a "good thing" why did not trump fire Flynn when he learned from the attorney general that Flynn was lying? It is a good thing now would it not have been a much better thing then?
If it fact it was such a good thing, why did not the president of the United States fire Flynn when he went on television on January 15 and repeated the lie to the American people? Better now than then?
If fact it was such a good thing, why did Kelly Ann Conway go on national television and say that Flynn had the full confidence of the president of the United States only hours before he was forced to resign by the president of the United States? If it is such a good thing, why all the drama and missteps?
If in fact it was such a good thing, why did the president force Flynn to resign only after the whole matter was being leaked to the Washington Post?
This is not a good thing in any respect. If the president had acted immediately his administration was informed of Flynn's omissions, perhaps if Flynn had immediately come clean and then been "taken to the woodshed" like President Reagan did, the matter might have been handled short of this fiasco which is being reported world wide.
This provides no platform to pursue corruption against Democrats as some have alleged on this thread, to the contrary it makes us look like hypocrites. Yes, corruption against Democrats must and can be pursued but let us not deceive ourselves in the process, we have just surrendered a wee bit of the high ground.
He lied. Seems to me you do not do that to President Trump.
And the president was gracious during the press conference yesterday, I think he positively acknowledged Flynn. I wonder if that was a subtle hint that his hours were numbered.