Look, I appreciate you as a warrior for the right, but I really don’t think you are election material.. I truly don’t. VA will likely be kinder to you than Cali where there are too many who were personally impacted by your decisions at HP... but I really don’t think you are going to walk into a Senate seat ever..... Maybe you can find a friendly congressional district somewhere if you are adamant about trying to be elected to something that affects national policy, but I really, really don’t see how, other than perhaps the reddest of red states, that you are going to have a shot at a senate seat... and even then no guarantees
I liked Carly. I never would have voted for her in the primaries because she was utterly unqualified to be President, but she was entertaining and gave good speeches. I particularly liked how she could go after Hillary and the lamestream media couldn't figure out how to claim she was being a misogynist.
But if she is serious about joining the ranks of professional politicians she really needs to actually win an election first. An open Congresscritter seat in a safe Republican district would be a much better chance. A state legislature seat would be more likely.
She needs to start out in an entry level job in the professional politician industry and work her way up.