1 posted on
02/04/2017 12:22:03 PM PST by
To: abigail2; Amalie; American Quilter; arthurus; awelliott; Bahbah; bamahead; Battle Axe; ...
2 posted on
02/04/2017 12:23:49 PM PST by
(Have YOU Donated to Free Republic? https://secure.freerepublic.com/donate/)
To: jazusamo
Understandable. The left doesn’t WANT an ‘educated’ populace. If youngsters were educated, why, they might grow up to be *GASP* Conservative!
And we can’t have that! ;)
3 posted on
02/04/2017 12:30:25 PM PST by
Diana in Wisconsin
(I don't have 'Hobbies.' I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set!)
To: jazusamo
Good to see that Dr Sowell is not sticking to his promise of retirement.
One should not retire from life until they carry you off to the asylum or the cemetery.
Go President Trump!
Please bump the Freepathon or click above to donate or become a monthly donor!
7 posted on
02/04/2017 1:14:42 PM PST by
(Have YOU Donated to Free Republic? https://secure.freerepublic.com/donate/)
To: jazusamo
Like mushrooms they are fed sh## and kept in the dark
To: jazusamo
If charter schools educate one-third of the students in a district, and get one-third of the money, how does that reduce the amount of money per child in the public school? Actually, charter schools usually get less money per student, but produce better results. Maybe they're afraid the public will notice that the government schools continue to cost more, even as fewer and fewer students attend them.
11 posted on
02/04/2017 1:58:43 PM PST by
("If you think free speech is assault but assault is free speech, you're a moron.")
To: jazusamo
Like so many things that others have talked about, but never actually acted on, Trump is on the verge of actually empowering parents to choose and put their children in schools where the objective is to teach vs. indoctrinate.
Can you imagine what one or two generations of that might accomplish?
19 posted on
02/05/2017 3:07:36 AM PST by
(Where in the the hell has my country gone?)
To: jazusamo
Education in the US is all about indoctrination. Even at the private schools to some extent.
While I prefer charter schools to the current status quo, I would much prefer to see refundable tax credits instead. The problem with charter schools and vouchers is that he who pays the piper calls the tune.
21 posted on
02/05/2017 10:44:42 AM PST by
RKBA Democrat
(It's no longer Right versus left, but Americanism versus globalist scum.)
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