To: jazusamo
If charter schools educate one-third of the students in a district, and get one-third of the money, how does that reduce the amount of money per child in the public school? Actually, charter schools usually get less money per student, but produce better results. Maybe they're afraid the public will notice that the government schools continue to cost more, even as fewer and fewer students attend them.
11 posted on
02/04/2017 1:58:43 PM PST by
("If you think free speech is assault but assault is free speech, you're a moron.")
To: Tax-chick
Yep, I’d bet they are afraid of that and the NEA and public school districts don’t let facts get in the way when it comes to funding.
12 posted on
02/04/2017 2:17:04 PM PST by
(Have YOU Donated to Free Republic?
To: Tax-chick
That is exactly what they are afraid of.
They are also afraid that the good teachers that are left in public schools will jump ship for posts in charter schools.
25 posted on
02/05/2017 3:58:05 PM PST by
Harmless Teddy Bear
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