I don’t get any pleasure out of this. Ted had been my number two guy, and I had wanted him to be VP, POTUS, and then a SCOTUS Justice. Why would I be trying to go after him now, if I didn’t have good reason?
Even having good reason, it’s not fun having to recite his actions last year and see folks act as if they didn’t know it themselves. It’s not fun watching folks I respect act as if last year was nothing, and now is what counts.
What if Trump hadn’t made it? What if Hillary was the president right now? What would Ted be doing to curry favor, knowing he had just helped her to become president?
So I plug away doing the thankless job of reminding folks what a miserable turn-coat Ted was last year.
The Nation be damned, Ted was going to play his NeverTrump games in some reckless manner like driving cars towards each other to see who flinches first. Only Ted sitting in the driver’s seat of the United States best hopes for the future. He risked it all for personal glory.
He took the car out without permission. He could have destroyed it all. Luckily, Donald Trump pulled his bacon out of the fire. If Trump had lost, Cruz would have been destroyed along with the car he had taken out without permission.
Why do I have to remind folks? Why doesn’t this matter? Is this really the type of Conservatives we are? Do we really watch a guy sell us out for personal reasons, then pat him on the back because he said a few nice things?