Posted on 01/26/2017 9:00:12 AM PST by F105-D ThunderChief
Demonstrating just how ideologically alligned with the Obama administration was the entire US State Department, moments ago the WaPo reported that "the entire senior level of management officials resigned Wednesday, part of an ongoing mass exodus of senior foreign service officers who dont want to stick around for the Trump era."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
More winning!
The embedded traitors and assorted criminals all need to go and go now. Get em out and those that broke the law need to be prosecuted.
Then, pry out those that are entrenched.
The swamp draining itself!
Every day...Christmas morning!
Looks better on resume to have resigned then be FIRED!
Trump is draining the swamp and taking out the trash.
I hope more of these fedgov leftists quit.
Lights. Cockroaches. Action.
it would be worth its weight in liberal tears to see these bloated teet sucking trough swillers try and find a job in the private sector that pays as handsomely
More MAGA!!!! Winning by the truckload!!! All this Winning!!!!!
I got a “page cannot be found” error. Another source:
I don’t know how much more of this WINNING I can take! LOL. Even the DNC moles are leaving on their own. I hope this catches on with the illegal aliens. Trump isn’t their president. The really should go home.
Historically, those who sacrifice for Hillary end up with plum jobs in academia. I don’t think these folks thought this through. Leftism can only absorb so many nonproductive employees. They are going to find it difficult to impossible to match the pay and benefits they are now receiving. There are too many of them for the Left to easily absorb and their sacrifice will not be seen as helping anybody of importance. They’ll get a short term boost in Facebook likes, but that’s about it. I’d imagine a bunch of them will get home and their wife/husband/significant other will say, “you did what?”
Here is the upside.
Realtors in the DC metro area will be able to clip two coupons: commission from the sellers and from the buyers.
Fix-it-up contractors will also have a good year, if they are using fully documented labor. Fair Warning.
Shrinking the size of government in the first week.....wonderful.
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