Thank God these people will only be in power for a few more weeks.
....if you don’t mind having the occasional veteran who dies in a VA hospital with maggots in his wound. That hospital should have been closed that day.
Yeah...It’s absolutely normal and good treatment when a veteran dies with maggots in a wound....
This is why Donald needs to pick a man who has a VA card, uses the VA and has had operators in at least two widely apart VA hospitals.
The faculty itself isn’t bad, it’s the people running it.
Douchebag Bob
-——”To be clear, no VA medical facility is bad or failing,” -——
I’m sure the buildings are being maintained and budget dollars allocated to keep them in good shape...
It’s the people inside the buildings who are running things is the problem...
I saw an article the other day a veteran has maggots in his bed sores from lake of care...
Hasn’t been to Phoenix.
My Tenn hospital gets a 4 but all the others a 1.
Really? The father of my best friend from college was a thoracic surgeon for the VA in our area. He told horror stories constantly. Unreal. He was an Army Vet.
Even more amazing: there are Republicans lining up with Democrats to keep this clown on the job in a Trump Administration.
This guy doesn’t have a clue; he’s accomplished virtually nothing in the way of reform since taking the VA post. He’s made little effort to push for the executive reforms necessary to get rid of incompetent and criminal employees. And, some of the problems that caused the firing of his predecessor are continuing under his watch. Last person Trump should think about retaining.
They need check Birmingham VA
These two VA Hospitals in Tennessee received a 1 rating on the 5 point scale 2 days ago.
Nashville, Murfreesboro VA hospitals among worst for mental health
this man needs to be held PERSONALLY responsible for the nearly 700 veterans who were infected with aids and hepatitis and whatever else they were infected with then!
Sounds like he is the first one that needs to be removed...