Well, the MSM sure doesn’t think so. They have only ramped up their leftwing “you’re rathith” bullsh*t
I was hoping they wouldn’t get around to second=guessing the identity politics for awhile. They haven’t descended as far as they can go. We are not done mocking them.
Be back.
Gotta pop corn.
Human nature to expand on an idea has gone wild. Identity politics results in eventually everyone is everyone else’e enemy. This until your compartmentalized self-behaviors start attacking each other, inside the same person.
Identity politics is a deadly ploy of division using hatred until everyone hates everyone.
What democrats have done, is to leave a (huge) section of Americans out of who they protect.
White males.
Almost 50 percent of Americans.
America needs to have one set of laws, which covers everyone, exactly the same.
THAT is what voters rejected. Screw laws which protect one ethnic group. Or one sex.
One set of laws. Everywhere. For everyone.
Never the message.
Ya think?
Unless the Democrat Party changes drasticlally, and rids itself of is race gig, low life, like the Congressional Blake Caucus, NAACP, and Hispanic Caucus, they will go nowhere politically with the “ALL” the American people, who have had their fill of this “hogwash” which has not aided or helped one “minority” person in the last eight years. In fact, Obamq and his ilk have made life more miserable for every minority person in the country!!! Go DJT!!!
It is unfair to ask liberals not to call people racists. If they can’t use ad hominem arguments, they have no other appeal.
Identity politics is what has steered them so far to the left as well, leaving the party unrecognizable to old dems like John F. Kennedy and many blue collar dems.
If you have to go after all of the victims, disenfranchised, marginalized, hard-done-by groups, then you have to listen and sympathize with every bizarre complaint in the country. This alone is what has led to men using women’s washrooms, children being told they may be a different gender than what science has determined, etc. This is what has you pandering to illegals rather than actual citizens.
Identity politics forces you to embrace every freak out there! Sadly, it has caused laws to change and has put people out of business while denying them their religious freedom.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Oh, man, that headline made me laugh.
Remember in 2004, after the Haughty John F Kerry who served in Vietnam got beat? The Demon Rats said they CARED about values voters. That lasted about 3 weeks.
This has been in the Dem playbook since the 60’s.
They sought to distance themselves from their own racist past and pretend to “help” minorities by enslaving them with government handouts.
Dem’s are singularly responsible for obliterating MLKs Dream of every man being judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.
And the beauty is that they can’t fix it. Once you brainwash your supporters they can’t be unbrainwashed.
If only Conservatives had suggested that the “racism” calls were a little overdone, they would have had a chance to see the other point of view. *cough*
It was racist democrats who screamed Racism at every corner, blog site and political gathering. The masses just got tired of the nonsense
Just my opinion, but I believe Trumps owes his win to the rust belt, blue collar displaced union workers that voted their own interests instead of the union stewards interests. Many of these were coal miners. I know a lot of these guys and will share Turkey with a few this week. Hillary proclaiming she would put coal out of business sealed her fate and gave Trump PA, OH, WV, KY, IN, MI and WI, IMO. There were other micro-issues at work like identity politics, but by in large these people vote with their wallet.
Gosh, ya think?
Every comment made by every Democrat named in this article — Ryan, Smith, Vilsack, Sanders — EVERY comment essentially amounts to “we need to do a better job of lying.”
Uh huh. Calling people in West Virginia and Kentucky "Coal People" was his Romney-esque "47%" moment.
The leftist fascists and their main stream media do not recognize or acknowledge facts/truth. They only recognize and acknowledge their party’s political correctness.
I loathe them.