Posted on 10/24/2016 6:23:50 PM PDT by defal33
Edited on 10/24/2016 6:26:04 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
Michael Moore: Trump's election will be the biggest "F*** You" ever recorded in human history...and it will feel good. Oct 24, 2016
Hard to believe this is real because just today he said anyone who votes for Trump is like legal terrorism whatever the hell that means. Look............
They are going to need nuclear strength Midol the day after.
Like....tear it all down....Man.
What does he mean it will be the biggest Eff You. Eff you to whom? And is he happy about it?
wow - spot on
It’s him.
I like how he admits that it is not racists who support Trump..
To Dems, Repubs, Media & Wall Street.
Keep eating fat boy
Was that really him?
I don’t know his voice that well but it did sound like something he’d say... the enemy of my enemy is my friend... Trump standing up in the face of the Ford execs for outsourcing Michigan jobs to Mexico when not a single other pol would... oh all the swearing too (and the final FU endorsement).
Audio but no video though. If he was that PO’ed he would want it on film. And it feels almost a little too pat.
If it’s a fake it is a good one. Take out the swearing and it could almost be a campaign ad.
“I copied and pasted and sent this to everyone I know.”
I did the same. Everybody should see that this goes all over the country.
Moore doesn’t really like Trump except to the extent that he can stick it to the status quo elites.
I think there are a lot of Michael Moore’s out there.
Seems like he’s realizing that it’s the machine versus all the rest of us. He may be one of the leftists who got mugged - the kind of person who would be lined up and shot first come communist revolution, according to Yuri Bezmenov. Those who truly believe in leftism, when they see how it really works, are disillusioned, turn on it, and become the strongest fighters. Seems like Assange is one of those. If Michael Moore is one, I will happily stand beside him. I’m sure there’s not much we’d agree on, but in this audio clip it does seem like he understands that the machine is screwing all of us.
In sports they call this “bulletin board material.” Something you DON’T want to give to the opponent.
For many reasons
I think it possible, not probable, but possible that when he called us terrorists he actually believed it was Trump supporters that were causing the violence, that was the msm narrative that all good progressives believed. But now after seeing the video evidence of who actually plans and pays for the violence, and recruits and trains the thugs who commit the violence at Trump rallies, maybe, just maybe his eyes were opened. He does say at one point that the people who are going to voter for Trump are decent good people. I’m just sayin, at this point if Satan wanted to strike a deal for my soul to guarantee a Trump landslide and restore our Republic, I think I might very well take it.
The Declaration of Independence was a pretty big FU too. It’s what makes Americans exceptional!
To the Progressives who claim that Hillary will win: “Nuts.”
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