No democrats for me, thanks.
I wouldn't vote for Ryan, but I sure wouldn't vote for someone who is hateful enough to put the baby-murdering, gun-grabbing, freedom-hating (D) next to their name.
Why is his closeness to Luis of interest? Their ratings by several outfits that do that sort of thing may be an indicator. The lower the score (on a scale from "0" to "100" at CU and from "A" to "F" at GRADEGOV) on the more radically leftist the member.
CONSERVATIVE UNION: RYAN 89/LG 4.45! (Yes, that's 4.45!!!) GRADEGOV.COM: RYAN "B+"/LG "F"
HERITAGE SCORE: RYAN (NOT AVAILABLE)/LG 19 (I assume when Ryan got the Speaker's job, Heritage stopped rating him.)
I detest RINOS, but I’m not voting for any Democrat either. My suggestion to you all is just vote for Trump, vote for ballot initiatives if your state has them, and leave the contests for elected office blank. Paul Ryan is smug as a Uniparty rat, but we can shut him up real fast by withholding millions of votes for down ticket Republicans and have them lose a bunch of seats in the house and senate. At this point I could care less if the GOP loses control of Congress. It’s not like they’ve been worth a damn since they do nothing to stop the left’s political agenda.
Solen 2016!!! We don’t need Ryan’s seat!!
No way. Kaine is a veteran too. But I will never vote for a Democrat because they all must kowtow or they are history, and that is what they usually do. Anybody can talk a good game, but few walk the walk. I know of no Democrat that walks the walk.
Plugging for a demonrat???
I will write in Pee Wee Herman before I ever cast a vote for a Democrat.
I'm torn...A Democrat will always back Nancy, but we need to tell Paul Ryan off...
Well if he passed Universal Health Care there wont be any money for our crumbling infrastructure.
And if he really believed in the Constitution he would know that he wasnt permitted to pass Universal Health Care in to law as a member of congress.
If he really believed in the Constitution he want to repeal Social Security.
If he really was for strict term limits on the Senate and the House of Representatives he would talking about an Amendment to the Constitution to put those term limits in place.
This guys talk about the Constitution is all talk and no walk.
Ryan’s opponent sounds FAR BETTER than Lyin’ Ryan!
I have NO allegiance to any candidate just because they choose to run in one party or another. Parties are so yesterday.
The Republican Party left us long ago, having been infiltrated by treasonous Globalists.
Henceforth, I will ONLY vote for Nationalist Patriot candidates, no matter what meaningless letter follows their name. If it takes voting a particular nationalist Dem in order to clean up the toxic matter known as Globalism, we need to do it. That is the least we can do for our country.
You are either dumb as a box of rocks or have a set of massive cajoles...
I'd go with the first choice...
I’m so tired of Ryan that I think I would vote for the damn Democrat.
He sounds better than Ryan.
The demonicRAT party supports abortion, faggotry, gun-grabbing, insecure borders, illegal aliens, the huge intrusive regulatory state. socialist gibsmedat programs, punitive taxation, destruction of the American military, destruction of the American economy, and surrender of US sovereignty.
You wanna vote for that, you can go to hell.
I really wanted to primary Rubio. But there were four Republicans running in the primary for his seat. I voted for the one who stood highest in the polls, and he lost. The vote was split too far. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rubio arranged that as he has name recognition and nobody else did. So, I am stuck with Rubio. I will not vote for a Democrat as much as I don’t like Rubio. The reason is the party in the majority gets to set the agenda. The party out of power only votes on the agenda and most of the time they lose. Once your Democrat is in, he may be there fifty years. The best way to keep them from attaining power is to never, ever elect a Democrat.
Ryan may be unpalatable, but there are other ways of handling the situation. He may lose his power with enough real conservatives in office.
Vote Democrat and defeat Paul Ryan, servant of these bastards!!
Dhimmicraps know how to play this game. Remember, they were quite willing to dump Rostenkowski and let his seat go Republican for one term before they put another of their boys in it.
If we defeated Ryan, maybe we could put someone like Nehlen, or someone like him, in the seat in two years. In the meantime, someone else would have to be chosen as Speaker.