Just wait until they give away the internet. We will all be considered hate speech.
Boy that is my greatest fear! Plus I don’t want to pay taxes to .gov only to find out it is the Chinese Government with a bogus IRS.gov site. Yes, China is setting up a location for the Internet regulators, ICANN.
Since you mentioned it, I have been working on this issue—we are under the wire—WE HAVE 4 DAYS!
Friday, Sept. 30, is deadline for Protecting Internet Freedom Act - SB3031 and HR5418
Talked to Cruz and Duffy offices 9/26. McConnell’s tech person was supposed to call back...in meetings BUT NEVER DID...Cornyn office went to voicemail.
Cruz office: Suggested call McConnell! Senate needs to include language form both SB3031 and HR5418 in Continuing Resolution (CR). We need to light a fire~McConnell needs to make this a priority. Senator Cornyn is the Whip and has influence over what is brought to floor. They felt it was ok to contact Ryan too. Make this a priority!!!
Duffy office: They said getting senate bill to contain Protecting Internet Freedom Act language is critical...Much harder for House to move if the Senate does not have the language in the CR.
They believe Ryan is supportive of their efforts...He has supported prohibiting the transfer for past 2.5 years. They believe Democrats should be called in order to bring pressure on Obama to sign a CR with the language as well as our elected Congressional Reps.
Concern: Reason to pressure Dems...There is no guarantee that Obama would not veto the CR (even losing his coveted Zika funding) in order to be able to allow the ICANN and .mil .gov governance to go off shore to China or UN on Oct. 1...So need to pressure Dems—that means Democratic Senators and Pelosi and Reid.
Folks, it is crunch time...Do what you can. Call Email or Tweet the following:
MITCH MCCONNELL http://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contact
202-224-2541 Washington -
I have been told easier to contact satellites
(502) 582-6304 Louisville
(270) 442-4554 Padukah
(270) 781-1673 Bowling Green
(859) 224-8286 Lexington
JOHN CORNYN: Majority Whip, - bring SB3031 to floor https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/contact
202-224-2934 Washington
I have been told easier to contact satellites
713-572-3337 Houston
956-423-0162 Harlington
806-472-7533 Lubock
210-224-7485 San Antonio
512-469-6034 Austin
903-593-0902 Tyler
972-239-1310 Dallas
HARRY REID: http://www.reid.senate.gov/contact 202-224-3542
NANCY PELOSI: http://www.democraticleader.gov/contact-us/# 202-225-0100
PAUL RYAN: http://www.speaker.gov/contact 202-225-0600
Thank you for those links.
Bump that! Tagline in place ...