Also, I did not see any sustained shifting of eyes to "avoid eye contact" with Dr. Phil during the interview. His eyes consistently were wide and staring with little or no normal blinking.....the eyes were creepy, also.
I saw no "guilt written all over his body language", either. There was little "body" language at all. I DID see someone with some real mental and/or emotional problems.
My opinion is that an adult inside the house did the crime, either the mother or the father....but it's just that, an opinion. The Final Judge will sort it all out.
That creepy smile is what I described as a smirk. That with the shifty eyes I summarized as body language.
What I do agree on is that this boy has some serious emotional issues. The footage of him as a young child seemed to me a stark contrast with the adult Burke. He seemed much more “normal” during the interviews as a child than now.
I think the boy snapped and cracked JB over the head with something. Maybe that metal baseball bat he was so fond of.
Perhaps the parents would have been better served by fessing up but feared Burke being institutionalized until adulthood. (though I have no knowledge of CO law)
I only followed this in passing when the incident initially occurred even though one of my friends mom was quite close friends with JB’s mom. It’s just the recent DP interview knocked me off the fence of “beats the heck out of me who dunnit and I really don’t care”.
But, you’re correct. The Big Judge knows who “done” it.
I thought he looked heavily medicated.