this from the woman who says Donald Trump is reckless. And ignored Benghazi.
What I get from that is she thinks China doesnt like her either.
Democrats have suddenly gotten religion on data security and cyber espionage
Wonder why
So... Russia or China hacks into DNC or Hillary’s computers, and she will order bombing missions on Moscow or Beijing?
Well, I suppose that destabilizing the Middle East and allowing the rise of ISIS is a hard act to follow.
(And the media and DNC are doing their best to convince us that Trump is even more unstable than Hillary. Yeah, right.)
Pander, pander, pander to what she believes her current audience wants to hear.
As in, “Why yes, my health is great!. Watch me open this jar of pickles!”
Does she really believe that her listeners are that stupid?
(well, after looking a photos of the breathless coeds at bills & her campaign rallies, maybe she has a point. And don’t forget the “We are your children” guy at the town hall meeting for Bill.)
Hillary is going to get us all killed.
Thank you, Democrats! (and GOPe)
This from the master of diplomacy. Great job, Hill.
Is it not odd that Hillary Clinton, who could not or did not protect her own assets from cyber attack, would want to go to war.
This is scary coming from a person who failed the Bar Exam in Washington, D. C.
All this time I thought that you can protect yourself from cyber attacks by means of precautions, and diligent use of your own assets and software.
Of course we want to hand over control of the Internet to the UN and other untrustworthy foreigners. And then go to war with Russia or China because we think that they probably waged a cyber attack on us. Is this insanity or plain stupidity?
Wow. She must have some rabid Muslim terrorists who want to fight Russia that she wants to give money and arms to.
I have a good idea...let’s treat treasonous holders of public office like the traitors they are when they deliberately violate security protection of our nation’s most classified materials. Lock her up and, if they only would, throw away the key.
You mean our guys are not hacking the crap out of them? What was Stuxnet?
I am no fan of Putin, but they are making him into a bogey man.
“”We are going to invest in protecting our governmental networks and our national infrastructure,” she continued. “I want us to lead the world in setting the rules in cyberspace. If America doesn’t, others will.” “
She ought to be asked in the debates if she is against Obama & his minions on this
Obama administration backs plan to relinquish Internet control
Well that escalated quickly.
And they say Trump is a loose canon
In other words.... drone strikes against the embassy where Assange is living
aww jeez, why don’t we make internet only for our country, no links, the world can call
She is trying to ward off an email dump taken from her private server.
IIRC, Obama attacked Merkel's private phone....and the President of Brazil's network...and apologized for both....cuz we got caught!! And I'll bet condoning our attacks are in her emails,.