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WashPost Obamacare Failure Story Barely Cites Jonathan Gruber as 'an Economist'
NewsBusters ^
| August 28, 2016
| P.J. Gladnick
Posted on 08/28/2016 9:27:18 AM PDT by PJ-Comix
If you are writing an article about the failure of ObamaCare, Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts, wouldn't the primary person you would want to quote at length be the one generally acknowledged as the disgraced architect of that plan, Jonathan Gruber? Of course. And yet Carolyn Y. Johnson of the Washington Post only provided a short quote from Gruber buried deep within the story and identified him as "an economist" with no reference to his crucial role in being the architect of ObamaCare.
This is sort of like doing a story about Wall Street and then citing Bernie Madoff as "an investor" somewhere deep inside the article. So let us start out by taking a deep plunge way down into the article and bring up the amost hidden quickie quote from Gruber who, oh yeah, was only the primary architect of this enormous flop:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: jonathangruber; obamacare
When writing an article about the Obamacare flop, you don't bury a brief Jonathan Gruber quote deep deep deep into the article and then merely pass him off as "an economist."
posted on
08/28/2016 9:27:19 AM PDT
To: PJ-Comix
Gruber, oh jeez. If this guy gives you retirement advice, run.
To: PJ-Comix
This man should be horse whipped.
posted on
08/28/2016 9:37:17 AM PDT
(ISIS is alive... and Chris Stevens is dead)
To: PJ-Comix
Throw him in a commercial with his quote about abortions among minorities saving money in the long term. Should be good for a few points.
posted on
08/28/2016 9:38:13 AM PDT
(The only thing an upper crust conservative hates more than a liberal is a middle class conservative)
Many in the public are wise the major Leftist newspapers. It's a shame they still exist.
Ramirez's latest political cartoon LARGE VERSION 08/27/2016: LINK LINK to regular sized version of Ramirez's latest, and an archive of his political cartoons.In this political cartoon, Ramirez presents, "Obamacure"
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...this is a general all-purpose message, and should not be seen as targeting any individual I am responding to...
posted on
08/28/2016 9:54:34 AM PDT
(He wins & we do, our nation does, the world does. It's morning in America again. You are living it!)
To: PJ-Comix
Gruber has the ‘right tone’ for the corrupt ones in DC... that would include the Washington Post.
posted on
08/28/2016 10:03:52 AM PDT
(George Will:fly-overs might not know Senators names, but we know a bribe and liars when we see them.)
To: PJ-Comix
And yet Carolyn Y. Johnson of the Washington Post only provided a short quote from Gruber buried deep within the story and identified him as "an economist" with no reference to his crucial role in being the architect of ObamaCare. This is sort of like doing a story about Wall Street and then citing Bernie Madoff as "an investor"
Actually its more like doing a story about the financial crisis that never mentions Lehman Bros.
posted on
08/28/2016 10:04:39 AM PDT
Reverend Wright
( "Stop smiling and smirking like it's a funny thing !")
To: PJ-Comix
I looked up Johnson. She happens to be mentioned as part of MIT's Grad Program for Science Writing (GPSW)
MIT's where Gruber happens to hang his hat.
Do the math.
MIT went down hill real fast after they hired that female president that was in to politics more than science and engineering education.
To: Nachum
why should he be horse whipped?...he's done EXACTLY what the elites wanted him to do....destroyed our health care system, making single payer the next "solution"....
single payer will simply add IRS,VA,SS,DOH, etc efficiency to our health care....RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
they'll pick winners and losers....and most of us except for you govt retirees, will get the ax on new treatments, chemo, PT, etc....
and don't forget all the millions more paper pusher rat voters that will be employed to manage all of this....guarentee that most of them will be illegals or blacks, just like blacks have an ungodly number of employees in govt already...
posted on
08/28/2016 10:09:42 AM PDT
To: cherry
Why should he be horse whipped??
Because he ran with glee to do his master’s bidding. He knew he was going to cost people their lives and he did it with a smile on his face.
We hung Nazi’s for doing the same.
posted on
08/28/2016 10:23:14 AM PDT
(ISIS is alive... and Chris Stevens is dead)
To: Excuse_My_Bellicosity
posted on
08/28/2016 10:35:06 AM PDT
Col Freeper
(Liberals: Devoted members of the "Church of the Eternally Offended".)
Let's be grateful for Gruber: he brought the phrase, "Stupid American voter" to the fore.
(And, "We've been Grubered").
posted on
08/28/2016 4:25:46 PM PDT
Does so
(Vote for Hillary...Stay Home...==8-O)
To: Does so
True... Gruber was an early example of how our ‘elites’ are really tacky little assh*les.
posted on
08/28/2016 9:07:15 PM PDT
(George Will:fly-overs might not know Senators names, but we know a bribe when we see one...)
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