No media bias there.
Nor the deep-pockets. Notice the Franklin Cover-Up-—about the politicians, judges, elites, czars in the White House were never charged for their orgies with children-—and it was literally covered-up-—the Documentary on the Franklin Cover-Up removed from 60 Minutes-—because it was about homosexuals and Man/Boy sex ring run by CIA. People trying to expose the Satanism in the White House, literally KILLED in exposing this child abuse ring-—and CRICKETS.
Also, the Sandusky boy-sex ring—another coverup. They just got the fall-guy—not the hundreds of elites who were furnished with little boys, probably run by the CIA as lots of magazines and the homosexual and feminist movements were to destroy Christianity-—all for the homosexual satanists—Lucifereans (sold their souls for power/money/fame).
Pychopathic sodomite elites who infiltrated into ALL areas-—esp. to take over all major churches, plus the Catholic Church (Bella Dodd) in the 30s-—as they took over “education” of our children to normalize all perversions, so that they will be willing to work for the satanists (cabal) in Hollywood (their sex-boy-ring orgies) and be able to steal, cheat, etc.,just have to normalize perversions (satanism) and Marxist gender theory (satanism/dehumanization/slavery) to destroy moral formation of our children, (flip Good and Evil), to literally destroy Virtue formation so they can actually use others in irrational, vile, filthy ways and “think” it is “good”.
The Marxists knew a hundred years ago, that if they could get control of minds of your children—they will own them for Life (Vice creates Slaves only). So with the communist John Dewey—they took over curricula to erase Christianity so that little satanists/Marxists/Socialists could be created—dumb, irrational, non-thinking drones for the NWO.
Only the Christian Worldview (Classical Curricula) created minds which could “think” coherently like in the Age of Reason and when Modern Science was created. Logic and Reason were created by Christianity when it aligned with Natural Law Theory (science/Reason/Logic/Common Sense). No other religion is as rational or Just or Free. All other religions/worldviews are tribal, irrational and demonic.
Killing babies, sodomizing children and others and slavery and polygamy were “Evil”—and STILL should be outlawed in a Justice (virtue) System.—But, NO! We have allowed an irrational unjust system to force evil laws onto us since Pres. Wilson. We have to take back Rule of Law instead of this Rule of Satan (Man/Oligrachy).
The Satanists/Lucifereans need to normalize perversion in little children so they can keep practicing their satanic rituals and orgies with children and killing them on their altars to Ba’al. (I am not kidding). Get your young children OUT Of the Matrix which will destroy their ability to know the Truth (God/Reality).
Not to mention that abuse is known to be at a higher rate in public schools than in any church or communion, of any denomination.
Of course there’s no mention of that on “All things considered”. “All Things Considered” my...