“President Obama said the opposite.”
Is there any joke that could be made about this, at this late date?
You’re fired!
You can’t fire me, I quit!
I fired you first!
No, I quit first!
and on and on it goes.
The Traitorobama kakistocracy should all be tried, convicted and sentenced to hang for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Obama Admin must be feeling some heat from this.
They are trying to reverse things.
One of the sailors said their release was held up for hours while awaiting the money plane.
Now, Obama Admin says the money plane’s arrival was contingent upon the sailers’ release.
Which one has a history of lying to the American people?
The very definition of ransom. From the party that once said it depends what the meaning of “is” is.
In any sane nation, the watch dog media would be in an frothing, fire-breathing rage against a government this duplicitous and corrupt. Where are Woodward and Bernstein now?
Well, its official now and the going rate is $100 million a head. Americans traveling overseas had better realize that they have had a target painted on them by the Obama Administration and start acting paranoid.