MSM reporters will do anything to help Clinton. They will tell any lie to get Clinton elected.
They are Clinton propaganda agents and Clinton cheerleaders. Do not believe a word they say.
This is what Trump is up against. It is amazing that he has gotten this far.
This is what America is up against.
It wasn’t a press conference, it was a pep rally with some “minority” media types who are just as slavishly devoted to her as Huma.
It’s what Bush was,up against. It’s what McCain was up against. It’s what Romney was up against. A not-curious, in-the-tank, state-controlled media is one of the greatest dangers the US faces. It is truly an existential threat.
the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists convention
No whites allowed.
Somehow that is not racist?
They better cash their Clinton Foundation checks fast
They weren’t ‘journalists’. They were and are haters, oppressors and political ideologues. To call them ‘journalists’ is an insult to what is left of ‘journalism’.
Journalists are no longer journalists. They are now simply in-kind donaters to the Dems.
Trump for President.
“...admit she “short-circuited” her answers on the email controversy.”
Well, there it is...she’s not human at all. She’s a Stepfordish robot with bad circuit panels. Explains a lot.
But I never knew robots aged that badly...
Turns out the greatest mistake our founders made was freedom of the press. Should have assured all those in the press had differing viewpoints so bias could be checked, but here we have practically 98% of the media part of the Democrat machine deliberately going after anyone challenging and suppressing bad news for their party so there is no check on power.
she had to wait to be in a “safe space”.........and yet she still stepped in it, again.
... Journalist clap and cheer.
They were told to clap and cheer in order to keep her awake and ... So she wouldn’t “short-circuit” again ——— sort like that clap-on, clap-off light switch thingy.
The mask is off the presstitutes. Or should I say brassiere?
The Donald should call Shrillary out on her shabby little Potemkin press conference in front of a pack of clapping MSM trained-seals sponsored by a painfully-obvious DNC front-group.
And the non-invited white lap dogs MSM will take this like the little plow children they are. The MSM is the greatest blight on the Republic.
Trump should say that wasn’t a real press conference and keep counting the days.
Today’s so-called ‘journalists’ are really ‘Democrat Butt Kissers’... it’s disgraceful.