Posted on 07/26/2016 7:55:20 PM PDT by SSS Two
PHILADELPHIA Protests outside of the Democratic National Convention turned chaotic and veered into violence Tuesday night in Philadelphia, with at least one fistfight breaking out...
Vincent McGrath, a 56-year-old retiree and Hillary Clinton supporter, was sitting on top of a Camaro convertible holding "Blue Lives Matter" and Clinton signs. Several protesters went right up to him, middle fingers extended, and hurled insults.
"Get a job," McGrath responded...
A Philadelphia police officer on the scene, and one of the protesters' legal advisers, both said at least four arrests had been made by nearly 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday, though the Philadelphia Police Public Affairs Office said they were waiting to confirm the number and would release that information when they had it...
A man standing with his son on a median, wearing civilian clothes, said "Here come the Palestinians" as protesters engulfed them.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This isn't 1968, either. Protesters then didn't have their own "legal advisers".
This is the party of unity!!
What is that supposed to mean?
FBN gave good coverage to the rioters. Jill stein was in the thick of it.
Not many of us, other than government workers, have the luxury of retiring comfortably in our 50’s.
Given that McGrath is a 56-year-old retiree who supports Hillary, I’m guessing that he’s living on a public pension.
They were also burning an Israeli flag..yet 80 percent of Jews vote Democrat
This is making Chicago 1968 look like a church picnic.
Oops, wrong forum. Sorry.
That’s how these things shake out in NJ as well; taxpayers support Republicans while those receiving checks from the government (welfare, pensions, paychecks) vote Democrat.
I think it is a safe bet that most Republican states have the smallest proportion of government workfare/welfare recipients...
not even close.
The difference is the press covered the 1968 picnic.
When freeloaders figure out they can get more free stuff by electing socialists, it is the beginning of end of a democratic republic.
If the press does not cover it, it did not happen.
My favorite came a little earlier when somebody dumped a pitcher of water over Gerry Rivers - Rivers went after the perp and was restrained by a couple of other protestors, who told him he wasn’t wanted there - Rivers retorted “that’s not for you to decide” - the clip ended with Rivers walking away while someone yelled “Black Lives Matter”...LOL....
That’s right; that was Rush’s point 8 years ago with “President Santa Claus”. If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you will always have the support of Paul.
I figure the piles of dead ‘hoodrats are the tribute required for their lives of leisure and ignorance...
“My favorite came a little earlier when somebody dumped a pitcher of water over Gerry Rivers - Rivers went after the perp and was restrained by a couple of other protestors, who told him he wasnt wanted there - Rivers retorted thats not for you to decide - the clip ended with Rivers walking away while someone yelled Black Lives Matter...LOL....”..
I haven’t watched a minute of this circus because of my blood pressure. I’m sorry I missed out on seeing that, ROFL.
That started in 1935 with social insecurity and really accelerated in ‘65 with LBJ’s Great Society program.
Yeah, but if the MSM doesn’t report it, did it really happen?
And there won’t be pictures.
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