Wwe want the TPP emails NOW! She is a liar.
Outstanding. Go get em DT
Good - keep pounding away!
Good for Trump. Stay on offense and never let up. Throw her sordid past at her; its a target rich environment of sleaze, corruption, lies and incompetence. Don’t allow her to control the narrative.
and anything relating to TTiP as well
Cool, asking for those emails will conflate the whole other email issues.
AWESOME. - good points by Trump. He is going to skin her alive between now and November - there’s a target rich environment if there ever was one
There is meat here...pound it continuously until it cannot be ignored. They are covering for her - this is exactly the kind of thing the Republican Wing of the Democrat Party would never insist on...they’d deal with her.
Make it a BIG issue. This is straight out government corruption and hiding information from the people. In “the land of the free” the government does not (should not) have this power. Pound this, it sells.
Oh. Yeah. Cruz or any other meet was going to do this vs Hillary. Right. And just yesterday trey goody started up again. Top has got to be hating this
I want the Benghazi e-mails to see if her lax security led to hacking from China/Russia and an awareness from Stevens’ constant security requests that Libya security was lax and therefore, the entire operation was vulnerable.