Posted on 05/24/2016 4:56:47 AM PDT by Rockitz
HOUSTON, Texas The lawyer for Planned Parenthood who has been accused of colluding with the Harris County DA against the Planned Parenthood undercover videographer, filed an affidavit to deny this charge, but admits that a prosecutor gave him a copy of the undercover video. As reported on April 14, Jared Woodfill, a lawyer for undercover videographer David Daleiden told Breitbart Texas, We have clear evidence that the DA is colluding with Planned Parenthood. The District Attorney in Harris County, Texas, is Devon Anderson.
David Daleiden, is the president and founder of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). Daleidens undercover videos have sought to expose Planned Parenthood practices as it relates to any selling of baby parts and tissue.
Breitbart News reported on August 4, 2015, that A video just released by the Center for Medical Progress taken undercover in Texas shows a Planned Parenthood research director discussing the sale of whole intact aborted babies to a company that resells them to medical researchers.
Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick immediately publicly condemned the video, and asked Harris County DA Devon Anderson to conduct an investigation, as reported by Breitbart Texas.
On April 14, Breitbart Texas reported that Daleidens lawyers filed motions to quash his indictments urging that at a press conference, Mr. Josh Schaffer, counsel for Planned Parenthood, boasted that he explicitly pushed prosecutors to charge Mr. Daleiden and Ms. Merritt.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
SUBJECT: Collusion, conspiracy, bribery
IN RE: financial irregularities
REFERENCE: govt fraud, falsified documents, wire transfers, accounting fraud, etc.
NARRATIVE Taxpayers demand to know the scope and dimension of multiple conspiracies to collude in sub rosa deals to personally profit and/or to facilitate illegal sales of baby body parts.
OF INTEREST TO LAW ENFORCEMENT The FBI should interrogate individuals at Stem Express and its affiliated companies and Planned Parenthood for evidence of multiple schemes to falsify official documents to further fraudulent schemes, and the filing of official documents that were falsified. The FBI should investigate any and all official documents submitted for falsified entries.
Crimes might include--govt fraud, conspiracy, collusion, falsifying official documents (a felony), filing falsified documents, money laundering, tax evasion, extortion, theft, misuse of public facilities.
Examine tax returns of Stem Express and its affiliates and Planned Parenthood... particularly entries for "interest income."
Taxpayers demand investigation by the following agencies commence at once:
<><> FBI -- Wire Fraud Division
<><> IRS-Fraud Unit
<><> Department of Justices Office of the Inspector General,
<><> Department of Commerces Office of Inspector General.
<><> DOJ's Criminal Division-- Public Integrity Section
<><> DOJ Criminal Division--Organized Crime and Gang Section.
It is also possible that Planned Parenthood committed other federal offenses including but not limited to:
<><> Title 18 U.S.C. §1341, Mail Fraud, 18 U.S.C.§1001, Presenting a False Document to an Agent of the US Government (involves several felonies and could include forgery);
<><> 18 U.S.C.§1027 False statements and concealment of facts in relation to documents required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and other possible offenses including civiland/or criminal RICO violations.
<><> 18 U.S.C. §§1961-68 (RICO Act)18 U.S.C. §1001 (making false Statements to Agents of the US Government),
<><> 18 U.S.C. §241(Conspiracies Against Civil Rights).
Possibly full investigations crentering on RICO conspiracies under 18 U.S.C. §1962(c) could be warranted because (1) the persons (2) were employed by or associated with an enterprise (3) that engaged in or affected interstate commerce and that (4) the persons operated or managed the enterprise (5) through a "pattern" (6) of racketeering activity, and (7) the taxpayers were injured by reason of the "pattern" of racketeering activity.
Alleged Offenses could include Violation of Title 18 U.S.C. §241 Conspiracy Against Constitutional Rights which prohibits in relevant part, two or more persons (from conspiring) to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same . . . See, 18 U.S.C. §241.
All believers should be praying for David Daleiden,
To rebuke that evil spirit of Moloch that he’s managed to harm,
This is what spiritual warfare looks like in the flesh,
Only the work of the Holy Spirit can pull back the veil on something so evil and vile and that’s been hidden away for so long,
I can't for the life of me wonder why they are not tormented with their sin each night when they lay down for the night and reflect on the day.
Babies are dismembered and sold like particular cuts of beef, to the highest bidder, to buy that brand new Beemer parked in the driveway or the club membership....I just don't get it.
Remember when the "kind-hearted and compassionate" Clintons (Bill
was then-President) assured us that abortion would be "safe, legal and rare?"
Oops. The kindly Clintons plumb "forgot" to mention that they
themselves opened the gates so that Planned Parenthood could traffic
(and profit) in baby body parts.
(EXCERPT--WND.COM). Then-Pres Clinton is credited w/ opening up the market in fetal body parts. Since Clinton signed the National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993, fetal-tissue research has expanded into a federally subsidized multi-million dollar industry of selling human spare parts salvaged from abortions.
For example, the NIH budgeted $21 million in fiscal year 1999 for grants and awards for fetal tissue research. At the University of Washington, the NIH subsidizes the central laboratory for human embryology.
According to a lab notice obtained by WorldNetDaily, it can supply tissue from normal or abnormal embryos and fetuses of desired gestational ages between 40 days to term. Specimens are obtained within minutes of passage, and tissues are aseptically identified, staged, and immediately processed according to the requirements of individual investigators. The notice is signed by Alan G. Fantel of the department of pediatrics.
At the time, two organizations that profited from this growth industry were (the now defunct) Opening Lines, a business formerly located in West Frankfort, Illinois...... and Anatomic Gift Foundation, headquartered in Laurel, Maryland.
Opening Lines gives credit to President Clinton for opening up the lucrative business in fetal tissue trade.
According to Opening Lines, on January 22, 1993, Clinton lifted the moratorium on federal funding. This action created a great demand for fetal tissue and has made possible the development of treatments for individuals afflicted with serious diseases and disorders, says the sales brochure.
Both companies served as wholesalers for the marketing of baby body parts to researchers, drug companies, hospitals and universities. These groups harvest the baby parts from abortion clinics and ship them to their customers.
Opening Lines provides fetal tissue researchers with a fee for service schedule, which gives prices for each body part. For example, Opening Lines charged:
<><> $150 for a spinal column;
<><> $400 for an intact embryonic cadaver;
<><>$75 for 8-week-old baby's eyeballs (40% discount for a single eye);
<><>$150 for two arms or legs; and,
<><> $100 for the skin of a 12-week-old baby.
said Jared Woodfill, lawyer for David Daleiden.
In a statement, the Justice Department said: The government alleges that between 2003 and 2009, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast billed and was paid by government programs, Texas Medicaid, Title XX, and the Womens Health Program, for certain items and services related to birth control counseling, STD testing and contraceptives when such items and services were either not medically necessary, not medically indicated or not actually provided.
Planned Parenthood connived to dramatically increase revenues by converting a voluntary C-Mail program to a mandatory program. The Iowa clinics eliminated follow-up exams and mailed each client at least a 12-menstrual-cycle supply of contraceptives in three-month increments. To increase profits, Planned Parenthood began sending three prescriptions to clients every 63 days...a 21-day overage.
By the end of 2008, at least 7,000 Medicaid- eligible women were enrolled in the C-Mail contraceptive program. If they moved or refused the pills they'd come back in a brown mailer then sent to inventory. PP would slap on a new sticker and sell them to the next patient.... without ever crediting the first womans account.
(1) PP CLIENTS FODDER FOR THE LUCRATIVE BABY PARTS INDUSTRY......we need to determine what percentage of women given birth control who later came back for abortions. PP's game seems to be gulling sexually active women into thinking they're protected. The scheme to withhold examinations forces women back into their clinics for PP baby body parts to sell.
(2) GOVT FRAUD BY MAIL----PP using the US mails to pull off govt fraud needs to be reported.
Houston, run by Democrats, needs a thorough housecleaning. Too many ungodly have been elected to positions of power in that city, many from the east coast. Illegal aliens infest every neighborhood, bringing in crime and their inferior cultural practices. Houston is New Orleans without the cuisine.
I wonder how many of those surrendering their children to this beast ever comes to see it for what it truly is, the fruit of their womb is nothing more than a commodity packaged like a meat product and traded by the money changers,
All the while the clintons and the obamas smile approvingly in the background,
Josh Schaffer, counsel for Planned Parenthood, boasted that he explicitly pushed prosecutors to charge Mr. Daleiden and Ms. Merritt.
Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick immediately publicly condemned the video, and asked Harris County DA Devon Anderson to conduct an investigation
Supposedly they have to get the woman’s permission to turn over the aborted unborn baby to them.
PP is the “master of deceit.”
They tell these troubled women they are performing a “public service.”
Thanks Rockitz.
Can the Texas AG Indict the Local DA for obstruction of Justice in their investigation?
“Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick immediately publicly condemned the video, and asked Harris County DA Devon Anderson to conduct an investigation”
Patrick directed Devon Anderson to investigate Planned Parenthood.
I have not seen any evidence of Patrick condemning the video. Just the opposite.
This is very sloppy, erroneous reporting. See the early report here:
Anderson did investigate and manage to drum up charges against the investigative journalists. He should face criminal charges for this abuse of power along with the collusion.
I have no idea where the author got the idea Patrick criticized the videos exposing Planned Parenthood. I do not think that happened.
Patrick, talking to Cavuto, said: “Were not going to tolerate Planned Parenthood pretending, Neil, to be something theyre not...”
Cavuto: “Do you think that Planned Parenthood does anything good?”
Patrick: “No. I dont think they do anything good. Look, theyre nothing more than a referral service. They pretend to care about womens health. But they dont have professionals even giving any information to women except referring them to another clinic. They dont have equipment. They dont do anything except profit from killing babies and then selling body parts of those aborted babies.”
Cavuto: “Well, I understand your passions, sir. But they do a little bit more than that.”
Patrick: “Very little.”
Thanks for that.
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