Government should back off from all education. Government schools should fade away and be replaced by Voucher programs.
Government aid for college should cease. A lot of college graduates get lousy, low-paying jobs. College is not really a path to riches. If a well-to-do family has $200,000 in cash and wants to pay that much for a 4-year degree so that Junior can be a Communications Major and blog for a living, that’s fine. I have no problem with that.
Families that don’t have $200,000 laying around will just have to watch their children become plumbers, welders, or programmers. They will be rich and successful. Heck they can even blog for a living, if they don’t mind being as poor as the college graduate down the street.
People are happier when they have less stuff in their life. Big House? Stressful corporate job? Big tax bill? Massive college debt? Pressure to have a better vacation than your neighbor? We need to scale back and just have simpler lives.
We’ve built a very damaging culture.
——A lot of college graduates get lousy, low-paying jobs-—
The reason is that those individuals have lousy pretty much worthless degrees. An A or B in underwater basket weaving for a fine arts major is meaningless in a work a day world that needs people that can communicate with their counterparts in Singapore or Zug.
I could not have said it any better.
“Weve built a very damaging culture.”
It’s hard to learn anything when you’re forced to share a classroom with violent retards.
What you said. I would add that Government won’t back down because the States and the People do keep backing down - we are complicit even as we rant and rail about it.