This really is not good. It makes the Chavez administration look like a success. Since Chavez, it been all down hill and that is not good for the country long term as they will see a socialist as their savior next election.
No TV and no beer make Homer...something, something.
Odd how droughts follow collectivists around the world. North Korea had a stubborn drought too that never affected South Korea.
If the millenial Bernie supporters knew how this will significantly impact the amount of time they can play their Playstation or Xbox, they would certainly think twice...
Where is Michael Moore on this? How does 90 degree heat and humidity fare for a man weighing 470 lbs???? Is he pro AC???
“I didn’t say anything when there was no rice.
I didn’t complain when there were no diapers.
I was quiet when all the toilet paper was gone.
But now I can’t even get a beer, especially a cold beer?
Viva la revolucion!!!”
Isn’t socialism/communism wonderful? I mean look at all the benefits! They don’t want people to drink beer in the dark, it’s so unsafe, so they stop making beer!.....................
If Trump is really smart, he will link Van Jones/Obama directly to Venezuela collapse and show the USA where Socialism finally ends.
Van Jones, Obama’s original point man and Green Czar was a huge supporter of Chavez and Venezuela’s move to Socialism.
No Bear and No TV Make Homer something something.
Ah, Utopia. And the globalists want this global!