I happened to use one on the way back, and of course since I was thinking about this topic, I had a crazy notion to go back & take some photographs.
I think I'll refrain, but suffice it so say that: (a) the rooms/stalls are at least 50% bigger than stalls you currently find in regular men/women bathrooms; (b) it's completely enclosed - floor, ceiling & door.
For as long as I can bother to recall, people of both sexes have been going in, using them & departing without any other thoughts on the issue.
In fact, beaches where there are still segregated bathrooms have problems now & then with gays cruising the men's rooms. This issue/problem doesn't exist, and cannot exist, in a common area.
I think someday when all is said & done, people will wonder what/why we had put up with crappy ass stalls, along the attendant potential for criminal activities in close-off bathrooms.
Interesting comments.
I haven’t run into unisex restrooms yet.
It had been my thought that the women’s restroom was a respit for them, having no men around while they took care of themselves or their children.
It does bother me that this aspect seems to have evaporated over night.