Well well, who else is a member of this elite little club?
How many of ours are members?
Coming to Amerika, crony crooked politicians will sell their mother and your tax dollars to whomever greases their campaign.
Trump looks better and better.
Is the British newspaper heralding the capitalist
progress that Rodina Russia has made, in its
continual metamorphosis from all those years
under Communism/royalty, or are the British
jealous that they cannot shed their parasitical
monarchy, and declare themselves truly free?
It’s already been noted that western media has “cleansed” the data of anything related to western leaders.
The real story will be how the Saudis (and other gulf states) are paying our politicians and network execs HUGE bucks for a pro-Islamic slant.
Also probably paying groups like NOW to keep their mouth shut about REAL women’s rights abuses in Islamic countries.
Unfortunately the propaganda is so deeply ingrained in the sheeple that such news will likely be met with the usual cries of “islamophobia”
Interesting hit job on Putin. What will be the repercussions? The payback?
Call this “The revenge of Darth Soros”. Funny how this comes out, right on the heels of the world’s largest political bribery scandal, Unaoil, which connects to numerous Soros Cabal Allies, and that the U.S. media is completely ignoring
Once they achieve a certain level of size (power), the greed takes over. They see the possibility of manipulating their positions of influence and gradually they morph into totally self serving entities.
They no longer feel allegiance to their original purpose. They convince themselves that they and the “work” they do are so important, that they need not be constrained by the original intent for which they were elected/appointed/created.
No, they are special, they are chosen. They surround themselves with “yes” people who encourage them and who benefit from the corruption and cronyism.
So, Putin and others have been exposed. The veneer is being pulled back, and the shiny thin cosmetic layer seen by the average observer has been hiding a morass of slimy deadly parasitic maggots that is limitless in size and will eventually devour its host.
Then it all ends.