And of course we have lots more free time “to pursue our dreams” because we have Obamacare...
Gillespie is 52 years old. He doesn’t know shit about 50 years ago. Only what some dip wad journalist or professor has told him. Meaningless.
It’s weird that Ron Paul and Reason Magazine just despises Trump, but then we see Alex Jones and all these other libertarian folks all in for Trump.
“Cultural lives and work lives are better”....????? He’s an elite, obviously
This is from a 90 year young person. Life was better 50 years ago.
When times are hard, it makes people better. Prosperity makes people lazy, complacent and self-centered, and good character and work ethic are less important. It takes strong character to endure good times.
Exactly. It’s all skin deep Potemkin villages. The people are unrestrained, materialistic, and debauched.
It’s all good for the anti God left.
He's not.
Life was better then.
While I have no problem with the technological and medical advances we've made, society and the moral character of people in general 50 years ago was way better than it is today.
Life was simpler and less busy and less complicated.
We may be vain as a society now but we have better technology, health care, etc.
We’re fifty years closer to when we can evacuate Earth in advance of a planetary collision. So there is that.
We're still at one per, aren't we? Or did someone change that?
In terms of lifestyle and speech, we are freer to express ourselves; we are objectively less racist, homophobic, sexist, and generally uptight.
Unless you want to express a non-PC opinion about something. Then you are likely to be charged with a *hate* crime.
If he thinks we are freer, he's far more deluded than he has a clue about.
There are many serious problems in today's world and this country: We document those several times an hour at, in fact, and offer ways to remedy many of them.
Does that include islamic terrorism and jihad? And illegal immigration and the associated problems that is bringing into our country?
50 years ago anyone that wanted a job got a job.
Whether or not life was better 50 years ago or not depends on where one places one’s values. For the “Netflix and chill” crowd, something like the fact that the illegitimacy rate today is 70% for blacks, 50% for Hispanics, and 30% for whites doesn’t even register.
I’m old enough to have had surgery twice with ether as the anastetic. Don’t miss that a damn bit.
I miss freedom and the rule of law. We have lost so much freedom over the past 50 years that whatever gains we may have made in narrow areas do not matter at all.
Life was better 50 years ago
Fifty years ago, we were only three years away from landing on the moon. It will take more than three years for us to get back.
Fifty years ago, the fastest airplanes were in operation (SR-71). Now, they are museum pieces.
Fifty years ago, we had fighter aircraft that did limited roles, but did them well. Today, we can’t get our Swiss Army knife of a plane working.
Fifty years ago, we were building nuclear power plants, which, along with hydroelectricity, are the only forms of reliable energy that do not produce CO2. Now, it is nearly impossible to get a nuclear plant built, and we are removing dams. And we are no closer to controlled nuclear fusion than we were then. Instead, we are dumping huge amounts of money into intermittent forms of energy that require CO2-producing power plants.
Finally, fifty years ago, our founders would still have believed that the grand experiment was still going. Today, they would believe that it has failed.