Nobody's talking about what the Democratic convention could be like. Their rules are so bad that it was rigged that hillary won before the primaries and caucuses even started.
Seriously. How can they justify going with a candidate who gets 25% of the vote in many states? The anger cuts across the political spectrum.
Its my turn dam it!
So true. I have some fairly reasonable Progressive friends who are PI$$ED that even though Sanders gets the votes, magically Hillary gets delegates way out of proportion to the votes.
They despise Hillary.
The anger is strong in this election cycle.
Hillary's effectively insurmountable lead in the primaries is mostly the result of her having most of the superdelegates, which make up 35% of the Democratic delegate count. This means that any candidate not annointed by the party needs an almost impossible 35% lead to overcome the DNC's candidate of choice. So we have it bad with the RNC rigging our game in favor of Bushes and Romneys, but not nearly as bad as the Democrats.
the democrat plantation will always vote for their matter who it is....they’d elect a child molester/mother killer if he was on the rat ballot...
The best thing Trump could do is find the GOldman Sachs transcripts and release them... Hillary yucking it up with the wall street fat cats will send the Bernie supporters into a tail spin and subsequently destroy the Rat party... There are many things they would forgive for unity sake but showing those transcripts will prove that Bernie got robbed of the nomination and they will revolt...