Posted on 03/09/2016 7:41:06 AM PST by Kegger
MIAMI Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz on Wednesday in a surprise appearance in Miami. "I checked the box for Ted Cruz, Fiorina said.
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He shouldn’t quit, not with Marco plummeting like a rock, and until the process plays out. Many don’t want the process to play out for fear of what might happen, or that their invincible guy may not be all that invincible after all. There are a lot of winner take all primaries coming up and I think the process makes it highly unlikely there will be a contested convention, especially when the field is winnowed to just two candidates.
Nothing saddens me more here at Free Republic than the defense of Planned Parenthood by Trump supporters.
There is NOTHING about Planned Parenthood that is good. Nothing. They kill babies in the womb. Federal funding helps them kill babies in the womb. Federal funding provides a way for them to keep abortion clinics up and running. Federal funding pays the rent for abortion clinics. Federal funding pays the utility bills for abortion clinics. Federal funding pays the salaries of doctors performing abortions. And Donald Trump supports federal funding.
Well Cruz had to get something for the $500,000 his superPac gave her.
You could have just said “he’s a lawyer”
You just responded to me.
If you read what I actually wrote, you’ll see that I put exactly that.
You fool yourself. He is grudgingly getting endorsements. They hate him because he sticks to his guns and can actually work on the problem. They are endorsing him out of desperation not a “DEAL” like your guy. They hate Cruz which is my biggest attraction to him. He has always been a conservative and always will be. Trump is all mouth and insult with no proof of anything. Trump says it you trumpbots believe it. Thats dangerous. He has no intelligence. Also leaves too many people holding the bag.
True. Lol.
Yes, it’s sad.
All Cruz has to say is stop. He will not because it AIDS him.
Funny, but I haven't noticed Trump saying "stop" to all of the leftist Democrats that have jumped on board the Trump train and that have put up negative Cruz ads. Double-standard much?
The only reason Trump "publicly disavowed" super PACs is because he, as a fatcat billionaire, can afford to self-finance/fund his own campaign and he doesn't need any PACs. Conversely, he knows that his opponents need the help from PACs and can not afford to self-fund. Typical dishonest liberal PR tactic, not to mention dishonest motivations, IOW.
Thank you for clarifying. Believe it or not, I agree with you that Cruz doesn't always give credit to others he works with.
Arguing that the Supreme Court should not yield its power over a sovereign USA to the World Court is not a hard argument to make and win before the Supreme Court. Now if he made and won that argument before the World Court I would be very impressed.
Well, for those of us who live under the illegal alien criminal element was a pretty big deal. LOL
And you would be surprised how many "legal minds", at the time, said that this case would NEVER be won in the I don't know that your statement that it would be "easy to do" for ANY lawyer is factual. I remember watching a Heritage Foundation panel discuss the particularities of the case and seem to think it was I guess we may have to agree to disagree on that one.
Cruz is a conservative? How can a lifelong govt employee be a conservative in real life? Govt job for me but not for thee?
The Bush Family has run the Republican since 1988. No more Bush influence in the White House.
Wall. Muslims. Win. Trump.
And products, therefore, of liberal indoctrination. It still equates and boils down to stupidity. Railing against a solid conservative in favor of the pretenda-conservative that has supported the establishment whores in both parties as recently as 2011.... and supported McConnell as recently as 2014.
But naturally, these facts whoosh right over the Trump camp followers’ heads....since half of them have been indoctrinated, and the other half are “in on it” re: the takedown of America by America’s enemies within, the leftist Democrats.
If you consider the elimination of millions of American jobs as conservative then I do not want to be considered a conservative.
If you consider the destruction of blue collar jobs, decline of midsize and smaller cities as conservative then please do not consider me a conservative.
If you consider conservative the massive consolidation of banking, destruction of community banks and aggregation of money in major financial locations as conservative then please do not consider me a conservative.
If you want the only jobs to be minimum wage, supervisors at a Walmart or fast food location, at corporate headquarters, and lawyers as a conservative then please do not consider me a conservative.
Enjoy the life under Cruz, Clinton, Romney or whomever else the GOPe convinces you are best for your “conservative” values.
Good grief, how low will you go to support someone? PP functions with only one bucket of money. It is the same bucket they use to support radical leftists in elections. It is the same bucket they use to kill babies and harvest their organs while the baby is still alive. It is the same bucket they use to support going into schools to teach kids as young as five years old about homosexuality. And, again, it is the same money that they use to promote abortion as the solution for lacking personal responsibility and when they send that message, in person, throughout middle schools and high schools around the country. PP exists to kill humans. It does nothing for women's health. What woman in her right mind would go to an organization that kills babies for healthcare?
Now, tell us again about all the good things that PP does.
I wish Trump would completely denounce them, but am willing to accept his stance of eliminating Federal funding of abortions.
I'm not a single issue voter, although this is a big one for me.
I don't believe a President can unilaterally stop funding, instead needing an act of Congress via a single bill or through the budget. If such a bill were presented to a President Trump, I believe he would sign it.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Trump has never claimed to be a Conservative or a conservative. Cruz has claimed to be the consistent conservative from day one. His actual record is that of a bullshit artist.
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