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YouTube June 24, 2014: HILLARY Clinton "Took Me Through Hell" Says 12yr. Old RAPE Victim!
FOX News via Someone's Private YouTube Account ^
| copied from Fox June 24, 2014
| FOX News The Five via Someone's Private YouTube Account
Posted on 03/07/2016 5:12:50 AM PST by Mr Apple
Hillary tapes reveal she voluntarily defended a child rapist that she knew was guilty. In this 1980's taped interview, Hillary Clinton laughed about getting the convicted rapist of a 12 year old child off on a technicality. Hillary got him off with time served in county jail, about 2 months. She says she used a legal technicality to plead her client, who faced 30 years to life in prison, down to a lesser charge."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption
KEYWORDS: childrape; clinton; connivinghillary; connivingpleadeals; deals; hillary; laughing; plead; pleadout; rape; scheminghillary; schemingpleadeals; secretivepleadeals; specialpleadeals
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The audio recordings also capture Hillary chuckling about her efforts to exploit the local authorities' mistake, which ultimately allowed her client to get off with an extremely reduced sentence on lesser charges. Her laughter over decidedly unfunny developments is strange and off-putting.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:12:51 AM PST
Mr Apple
To: Liz; onyx; Albion Wilde; LucyT; Pelham; DoughtyOne; ExTexasRedhead; SunkenCiv; Pollster1; grania; ..
Taylor's light sentence was a miscarriage of justice, the victim said. "It's proven fact, with all the tapes [now revealed], she lied like a dog on me. For the victim, the tapes prove that while Clinton was arguing in the affidavit that the victim could have some culpability in her own attack, she actually believed that her client was guilty.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:14:36 AM PST
Mr Apple
To: Mr Apple
I don’t know who did the country more damage - Hillary or Hanoi Jane.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:16:23 AM PST
(Jesus Christ is not a religion. He's the Truth.)
To: MichaelCorleone
Hanoi Jane isn’t running for POTUS. I rest my case.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:19:30 AM PST
(ObaMao: Fake America, Fake Messiah, Fake Black man. How many fakes can you fit into one Zer0?)
To: Mr Apple
Mrs. Clinton has a habit of laughing like a crazy person at inopportune times.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:20:49 AM PST
a fool in paradise
(Obama is more supportive of Iran's right to defend its territorial borders than he is of the USA's.)
To: Mr Apple
I hope the Trump and Cruz people have this. Perhaps Trump will have her lined up to speak, along with all of the other “bimbos” who were victimized by her “husband”.
To: MichaelCorleone
If Hillary ACTUALLY believed the rapist was guilty she could be disciplined by the bar association.
Yeah, that works. Right? /S
posted on
03/07/2016 5:21:51 AM PST
(You are correct. It IS a conspiracy, not a bad dream.)
To: Mr Apple
Should have saved this until after the primary.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:22:43 AM PST
(Get on the Trump Train.)
To: Mr Apple
Absolutely amazing to listen to Beckel try and defend Hitlery. The left will say anything, even to the point of looking like complete idiots, to defend their criminal peers.
To: Rapscallion
Hillary has no more danger of facing the consequences the little people would face than Lois Lerner. They are both criminals who abused their positions, but they are criminals with connections. They are both being rewarded for their evil.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:25:07 AM PST
("A Bill of Rights that means what the majority wants it to mean is worthless." - Scalia)
To: Mr Apple
I wish there could be more focus on healing for 5 he victim here. It’s a lifelong struggle.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:25:17 AM PST
(Heck? Geewhiz Cripes, thats the place where people who don't believe in Gosh think they aint going.)
To: Vigilanteman
You addressed a different question than the one I posed.
Try reading more carefully.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:25:53 AM PST
(Jesus Christ is not a religion. He's the Truth.)
To: JudyinCanada
"I hope the Trump and Cruz people have this. Perhaps Trump will have her lined up to speak, along with all of the other bimbos who were victimized by her husband." ***
Yes, I hope so too and I hope that Mr Trump includes all of this in his next rally -or at least in any Trump / Hillary debates in the fall. And btw, I'm absolutely stunned that someone at the GOPe didn't already bring this up way before now. [mccain, rove, romney?]
posted on
03/07/2016 5:30:27 AM PST
Mr Apple
To: JudyinCanada
...was thinking that just last night with highlights of the awards show of Lady Gaga and
All the victims on stage....and all the Hollywood tears in the audience. Same group
will jump through the hoops for Hilda.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:30:47 AM PST
(( USAF.68-73..8th TFW Ubon Thailand..never store a threat you should have eliminated))
To: Mr Apple
She claims that he helps the little people. Criminals ARE her people. Libotards will not be offended by her actions.
To: McGruff
I had similar thoughts, such as:
Let’s see if FOX pulls this out in the heat of the campaign come October/November. I bet not.
posted on
03/07/2016 5:32:47 AM PST
(Jesus Christ is not a religion. He's the Truth.)
To: Doogle
I thought it was very “rich” when Juanita Broderick tweeted her congrats to Gaga for standing up for the victims of sexual assault. That was brilliantly played, and I thought more would have been made out of it, although I don’t know exactly what.
I’m also surprised that I haven’t seen this youtube video before yesterday. I’ve been digging through all this for weeks now. I wonder if someone at youtube has had this vid on the backshelf for some time now, and just put it back up because it’s been in the internet lately. (oh...surely not, not youtube sic)
posted on
03/07/2016 5:35:00 AM PST
Mr Apple
To: MrEdd
I wish there could be more focus on healing for the victim here. Its a lifelong struggle Absolutely!
posted on
03/07/2016 5:36:49 AM PST
Mr Apple
To: MrEdd
Post #11 “I wish there could be more focus on healing for the victim here. Its a lifelong struggle.”
I know how true that is... not only is HRC a criminal; she is a despicable person1
posted on
03/07/2016 5:36:55 AM PST
("Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." Thomas Jefferson)
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