I hope the Trump and Cruz people have this. Perhaps Trump will have her lined up to speak, along with all of the other “bimbos” who were victimized by her “husband”.
Yes, I hope so too and I hope that Mr Trump includes all of this in his next rally -or at least in any Trump / Hillary debates in the fall. And btw, I'm absolutely stunned that someone at the GOPe didn't already bring this up way before now. [mccain, rove, romney?]
...was thinking that just last night with highlights of the awards show of Lady Gaga and
All the victims on stage....and all the Hollywood tears in the audience. Same group
will jump through the hoops for Hilda.
Why doesn’t Trump get them all together?
Scarborough MSM Won’t Mention Bill Clinton Jeffrey Epstein ConnectionBut Donald Trump Will
With Trump it will be a battle between a steamroller and a gnat. Hillary is going to get obliterated.