The Supreme Court, in my opinion, has not performed its proper role in a very long time.
I feel that the Court is supposed to block the execution of laws which violate the Constitution. Nothing more. Nothing less.
The started legislating from the bench a very long time ago. And now they just completely make #### up.
We are on the edge of some dark times.
If obama gets his way there would be five solid liberals on the court. Five out of nine will impose the liberal.view of every single issue which comes before the court.
And knowing he has five out of nine justices in his back.pocket obama will be even more aggressive with these executive orders and ruling by decree. If 5,out of 9, will back whatever he does, there will be nothing to stop him.
I agree.
Scalia wasn't exactly a finger in the dike preventing a deluge of radically leftist laws from cascading down on the American people. By the time he showed up the dike was already gone, and he was one of a few people left to start building another one after the town was already inundated by the flood.
If anything, Scalia's presence on the Supreme Court was a scathing indictment of what the Federal court system has become in this country. I look at the U.S. Supreme Court justices who have served in my lifetime, and I have a hard time figuring out how most of them were ever licensed to practice law -- let alone serve on the highest court in the land.
Agreed. When they opposed the Constitution by making the state the PROHIBITOR of free exercise of religion (Christianity) in the late 50's and early 60's, that was the catalyst which snowballed into full-blown fascism. Striking down state contraception laws was next, followed quickly by mandating abortion nationwide.
The fact that they barely squeaked by a correct decision in Dale v. Boy Scouts was an indicated that there was a cancer deep within this body.