All repubs need to say is as the question, “Are you better off now than you were 7 years ago?” Most, if they are honest would say either about the same or worse.
No dumbama. No one believes your numbers. We know that you are a dishonest @$$, and so we quit paying attention to anything your government spits out.
The low employment number is even more inconvenient for democrats. It’s the voters who are not employed who know the truth about low unemployment.
It’s a friggin lie. He put the rest on welfare and disability and they do not appear on the unemployed rolls any longer. What a lying sack of crap.
I don’t think I’ve ever know an individual who really believes the sun rises and sets on his a$$.
Ignore the unemployment figures. They are the province of statisticians (see: Mark Twain, in re- lies, damn lies and...).
Pay attention to the federal revenue intake. If more Americans are working, and unemployment is falling, then why is federal income tax revenue down?
Fake numbers doesn’t make it real, typical Obama.
God help us if we can’t elect a constitutional conservative as POTUS after eight long years of this narcissistic, America-hating, Muslim-loving, radical-Marxist POtuS.
That cynical but accurate statement has held up for for over century, but the Obama Administration has come up with a new twist that requires and update on that famous saying.
The new saying, incorporating Obama Administration innovations is,” There are lies, damn lies and statistics - but most of all there are Obama Administration falsified, fraudulent and purely made up statistics”
Government says the permanently unemployed number is around 9 million, other sources set it at any peg it at anywhere between 30 to 98 million, depending who you believe. Even relatively conservative actual estimates put the real percentage in the mid to high teens, some as high as the mid to upper twenty percent.
“Americans are working,” President Obama proudly declared at a White House press conference Friday morning.
That is true. It is what we do. Except we used to work full time one job. Now under 8 years of you we work part time and sometimes several jobs. Thanks dirt bag..........
95,000,000 million able bodied Americans not working that is an excellent achievement - it will be very inconvenient for Republicans when the U3 number reaches 0% - that’s when no one is working.
There is no metric by which this economy is better than now than it was in 2008 in fact had Obama done absolutely nothing in the wake of the 2008 financial and housing collapse the recovery would have happened 5 year quicker and it would have created real jobs not fake numbers...
Obama lives in Say anything land..... The real concern should be how the media actually lets him get away with it...
Obama has just confirmed that the Department of Labor has been politicized.
That brings it into line with agencies like the IRS, the EPA, the Justice Department and the INS (to name just a few).
What is inconvenient is that the federal government is now just a political tool for the progressives.
See the tag ...